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1. There are two major types of diabetes. The causes and risk factors are …(different)...

for each
2. Daily ….(inject)…. of insulin are needed. The exact cause is unknown.
3. Type 2 diabetes makes up most diabetes cases. It most often occurs in ….(adult)…..
4. Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar that develops at any time during ….(pregnant)…. in a
woman who does not have diabetes.
5. Because type 2 diabetes develops …….(slow)……., some people with high blood sugar have no
6. You could have eye problems, including trouble seeing (especially at night) and light …..
(sensitive)……... You could become blind.
7. Treating both type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes involves medicines, diet, and exercise to control
blood sugar levels and ………(prevent)……… symptoms and problems.
8. Shock requires immediate medical treatment and can get worse very ………….(rapid)
9. Certain medications that ………….(significant)……….. reduce heart function or blood pressure
10. Shock is often associated with heavy external or internal bleeding from a serious ………(injure)
11. Call 911 for immediate …………..(medicine)……….. help.
12. Even if the person is able to …………(breath)……….. on his or her own, continue to check rate
of breathing at least every 5 minutes until help arrives.
13. Keep the person warm and ………….(comfort)………….. Loosen tight clothing.
14. Turn the head to one side so he or she will not choke. Do this as long as there is no …………
(suspect)…………. of ………….(spine)………….. injury.
15. Do NOT wait for milder shock symptoms to …………..(worse)……………… before calling for
emergency medical help.
16. Disorders of the normal composition of the body frequently occur as responses to ……….(ill)
……… and trauma and are encountered often in clinical practice.
17. Normal physiologic processes are …………(depend)……….. on a relatively stable state within
the internal environment of the body.
18. provide a medium in which ………….(metabolism)…………. reactions may occur
19. Osmosis is a transport process by which water moves across a membrane that is ……….
(permeable)……………to water but permeable to dissolved substances (solutes).

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