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Some Warning Signs of Suicide

If you find someone showing the following signs he could be planning or thinking seriously
about suicide.

• Always contemplating or talking about death.

 Making death wishes and taking chances with fate such as risky and dangerous driving or
ignoring traffic signals.
 Not having a liking for things that one adored earlier.
 Clinical depression characterized by loss of interest in everything, deep sadness, trouble in
sleeping and even eating in severe cases.
 Feeling or saying things such as “I am hopeless”, “helpless” or “worthless”.
 Sudden mood swings, from lonely and sad to calm or apparently happy.
 Talking about suicide in general and also expressing an intention to do so to oneself.
 Visiting people just to say goodbye.
 Putting things in order such as altering or changing a will.

The risk factors that increase the chances of a person committing suicide are:
 One or more previous attempts to commit suicide.
 Substance abuse or mental disorder in the family.
 History of suicide in the family.
 Family violence.
 Accessibility of firearms in the home.
 Physical or sexual abuse.
 Physical illness becoming chronic which includes chronic pain.
 Being behind bars.

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