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Tzu Chi Secondary School

4th floor, English Department Corridor

Locker: 309

16th April, 2018

Dear Denzel,

How are you doing? I hope you are doing fine at home resting.

Ever since you were gone, I felt that I have a hole in my heart. The corridors became hollow and
no light shine upon the school community. Everyone had missed you, and there were a lot of things that
you are missing out during your absences. If you read the news you might have known what had
happened to the school. But since i know you never read the news, I’ll spill the beans for you.

After your absence at the school, an unexpected event suddenly occurred. While we were eating
our lunch, enjoying ourselves, there was a sudden loud noise that erupted outside. Everyone had heard
the explosion and we had all assumed it was the construction building nearby. Since the construction
building was nearby, we had all thought that the constructors in the building might’ve accidentally
destroyed something . The entire cafeteria quiet down, confused on the noise. The teachers who were
on patrol made everyone in the cafeteria to continue their meal, that was until we head loud screams
erupted from the stadium. Hearing the screams, the teacher immediately head towards the direction of
the noise. I was as curious as a caged wild animal coming out of the cage for the first time, so I decided
to follow the teachers as they were heading towards it. Reaching the gate, the sight in front of me had
created chills running down my body. In the middle of our stadium there was a huge plane on fire, the
parts of the plane were broken, it looked terrible. Mr. Domanic, the securities and staff members rushed
to the stadium helping the passengers who were able to escape from the plane.

I stood there frozen staring at the horror that was casted upon the school. Everything around
me seemed so empty, and the only sound I could hear was the sound of cries and howl of pain. It made
me shiver in fear. I knew how you had enjoy traveling and the accident had set fear to me if anything
similar had happened to you. I couldn't see much afterwards, as the teachers had instructed all of the
students in the cafeteria to return back to their classes. Walking back to our classes, whispers of the
accident had spread and I was certain, this could be a major topic that would be discussed within our
school walls.

Anyway, other than that accident I don’t think there is anything interesting that had happened.
The entire school is praying for the survivors and I hope you could pray for them as well at home. I
missed you dearly so please return back as soon as possible!

Sincerely, Dylan

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