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Peura, Pekka, et al. “Regional Impacts of Sustainable Energy in Western Finland.

” Journal of

Cleaner Production, vol. 187, Elsevier Ltd, June 2018, pp. 85–97,


In the abstract it explains the study’s intentions which is to make generalizations on a

regional and national level the types of energy that can be produced in urban and rural areas and

it effect on employment. It also explains the types of energy that can come from the certain Commented [DM1]: Where you talk about regional and
national you could possibly give examples so that we
could see the comparison
regions. In the introduction, the author puts the different definitions of sustainable energy all out

on the table. At first, I grabbed at the idea of what it really means to be sustainable. Which

includes carrying capacity, the area the energy is produced from, carbon footprint, and also, is it

really necessary?

The article is a scholarly article which was on the UNCC library website. It has many

sections including an abstract, introduction, research design and study, and a conclusion. In the

“research design and study” section, it included a large amount of data that was cited and

explained thoroughly in the section below it. Under the article there were many sources that were

legitimate and could also be found the the UNCC library database. The intended audience would Commented [DM2]: There is two “the” right hereJ

be academics, business workers, scientists due to the vocabulary and data in the article. Commented [DM3]: You could also maybe give some
examples of where the vocabulary and the data in the
article are and what is stated so that they can try and
I would use this source in my research project because it gives me an international view piece together what it was like

of how other countries deal with renewable energy and not only the effects of it environmentally

but also fiscally. Even though this source mainly deals with the financial aspect of renewable

energy, I would still use it in my paper as a comparison of how the US and other countries (like

Finland) can differ in the types of energy it can withstand and the amount of money and research Commented [DM4]: I really like how right here you said
Finland!!! Also maybe give a physical number money
wise just so that people can see how much is really
being put into it. going into it.
Brand, Stewart., Jacobson, Mark Z., “Does The World Need Nuclear Energy?” TED, 20 Nov.,


In this video two men debated on if the world should use nuclear energy and although

both had good points, I felt like there were faults falling on both ends. The first man was in favor Commented [DM5]: Explain maybe why you felt there
were faults on both end but I do really like how the
examples were laid out so that it helped understand
of nuclear energy and explained how the dangers of nuclear energy were a hoax and that the why there was some.

process has been proven many times to not spread almost any radiation. He compared the

amount of radiation you absorb from a nuclear power plant to eating one banana a year. When it Commented [DM6]: I just think this is cool hehehehe

came time for the other side to speak, he started out very strong. He explained that although

nuclear energy is definitely not the worst thing to happen to the world, we could still do better.

He talked a lot about how much of a carbon footprint a nuclear power plant has compared to

wind power. He also explained how the world doesn’t have a lot of time left to fix the

environmental problems that have be created, meaning that what we need is a faster solution and Commented [DM7]: Maybe say some of the
enivornmental problems created that he stated in his
we’re not going to get it with nuclear energy. When the mediator asked at the end if anyone’s

opinion had changed from For to Against or vice versa. About 20 people raised their hands.

TED Talks are used in classrooms all over the world and can teach us a lot of interesting

things. We know that the TED industry is very popular and many academics, scientists, teachers,

and honestly just some really big nerds attend the conference each year in search of different

opinions and new research. It is a hub a knowledge that people attend from all over the world.

The audience is really the same as the people sitting in the audience of the video; academics,

scientists, teachers, even students. From evaluation of the corporation and the information it

provides I feel like this source is very helpful and many students should not be afraid to include

it in their annotated bibliographies.

I feel like this source was very helpful and I will definitely be using it in my final paper. I

found it on the UNCC library database and I found the video to make me really see both sides of Commented [DM8]: I like that you say you find it at
UNCC library databases because it gives students a
chance to know this is a really good resource if needed
the argument which might help sway my current opinion of nuclear energy in my final draft.

National Geographic Society. “Non-Renewable Energy.” National Geographic Society, National

Geographic, 14 Feb. 2013,

National Geographic is a well-known source of information that has connections all over

the world. I found this source when doing basic research for my topic and even though the entire Commented [DM9]: You could state what they are
known for connection wise and what makes them so
well know just as a little background information
article is not just on nuclear energy, it provides multiple examples of non-renewable energy and

the effects they can have on the environment. Nuclear energy, as they define it, is not renewable

but is a clean energy source. It further explains that the materials used for the process of nuclear

fission is not easily obtained due to the rarity of the type of Uranium they use. This article gives

a brief insight into nuclear energy and other non-renewable energy sources.

National Geographic is a commonly used source when dealing with scientific topics such

as mine. It has a variety of subjects on not only non-renewable energy, but all kinds of science,

geography, and social issues. Each article is very well written and has a multitude of sources to

show that the information is well-developed. Although this particular source is not written as Commented [DM10]: Really good information is given
in this article about the national georgaphic and it helps
tie a lot of stuff back in so I really like this paragraph J
well as others, it’s purpose is to inform the audience of non-renewable energy sources, not to

persuade the reader to an opinion. National Geographic is not considered a “scholarly” source

majority of the time, but through reading multiple articles from the website it has proven in

furthering my research during my inquiry process.

As said above, I think this source is very helpful in my research process and gave me a

basic understanding of the issue that I’m trying to write about. Is Nuclear Energy What We Need
Right Now? Nuclear energy has many factors to it that could, or could not, make it the best

solution for the earth. I found this source through a simple Google search which makes it not the

most reliable, but did give me a basic understanding of nuclear energy, which then made me

more intrigued on the topic in general. I will be using this source in my paper for the introduction

section because it gives basic facts about nuclear energy that my reader (whoever that may be)

needs to know before I present my argument.

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