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Moving on Current Trends and Challenges. In this section, we’ll highlight a couple of major
trends that demonstrate the evolution of Human Resources. While reviewing the History of
HR we mentioned how the function has grown over the past century along with its level of
importance for the success of any organization. In the past, many people went to work for a
corporation when they graduated from high school or college and retired from the same
corporation at the time of retirement later with a pension. They went to work in the morning
and didn’t communicate with their friends or family until they returned home in evening.
Many were

Human resource function has been changing every year. New business is establish every year
so that HR department wants to improve the skill of employees according to current scenario
to reduce product costs effectively. But generally the biggest challenges facing human
resource department today are recruitment, motivation and retention, leadership development
and corporate culture managing limited resources. One of the major challenges is changing in
the definition of work. Employees look for flexibility in working hours, Engagement of work
cloud be short as well these days, demand based employment is becoming heavily dependent
of analytical predictions.

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