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JASUNTIPTON Progressive Metal «United States From Progarchiescom. the utimste progressive rock mus wabste gooogo asun Tipton biography Jacun Tinton a native of San Jose, California started hie carearin the Progressive Metal scene wth Zero Hour. Zero Hour was representative of Tptonscreatve abilities regaeing swf time changes ané an all out onslaught ef ‘echnical precision. Tipton ses himself not ust as a guitarist compose, or kyoarist. but as an arts. An artist, ‘that aluays aspires totale hs carerin new challenging crecoon=inhis nest role, Tieton attempts © capture his melodic and nuanced styles oa tape to contrast that technical, flamboyant, ana haay syle that make Uupthe exence of Zero Hour ‘iptens debut album sacucton let axampl of i ables to at together a nusnced and contralied ecoreng Inspited by gular greats sucha: Pat Metheny, Paul Gilbert, and athervituosos including Marty Feledman an Jason Be Jasun Toten solo projct i cbvausly reccomend te Sregrasave Meta fans of tons project Zar Hour. ane ‘ane oflagancay gutet vitucsoe suze strani va) Metheny Backer ave Glee ny th artct muse lates n ww progarchvescom Jun ston has been cleared by the Progressive seal eam and hs frst projec the Progressive Metal band ere Hourisalracy featured on the webste, Tipton: bend of land eesti mare than qualify Miz adeton Otcal nett Discography: (Sesuctor2005)) CCIE eterno ioe

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