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Teddie Uhi

English 2710

Professor Stephenson


Vampires in 2019

The undead are they real or is this just a myth. This is my story on this study are you

ready to hear what has brought me to this study. Well it all started with my Mother she was a

vampire lover when I was 7/8 years old my Mother watch dark shadows a soap opera in 1960s

every day her and I sat after school tell it was over she was in love with Barnaba’s he was the

man tall dark haired devil that could lure any one in with the look. My Mother loved Alford

Hitchcock movie also (The birds ) and that kind of stuff as a child I was overwhelmed with

fiction and my curiosity was on over loud, but she said something to me one day that stuck with

me Do you think vampires are real well as a child you think of monsters under your bed and my

answer was do you ? And she said yes, I do, she said God created many creatures and worlds yet

to be discovered always look to the unusual things in life.

As time went on, I became a hairdresser love people and their stories some more exotic

than most loved them all the same. This become my study on the undead or creatures of this

world. What is the undead let me tell you the story in 1983 I was working with my aunt doing

hair at t street trims on the avenues up by the u of u when a tall man came in for a hair cut his

hair was long red brown and his eyes red brown with just a hint of yellow his skin was very pale

and he spoke clear and precise he was very different, to say the less I was taken by his looks and

asked him to come sit down and I would cut his hair he said just a little he liked his hair long.
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Time went and he would come in about every two months for his hair cut. One day he

came in and looked a little more pale than other times I said are you doing ok you look like you

don’t feel well. He said I am not like you, I have been sick all my life at this time he told me he

was anemic and had to eat raw meat the doctors told him he had a disease and that they didn’t

know much about it but his blood was very thin, at the same time dogs and cat had come up

missing on the avenues some had been mutilated the police were not Shure what was going on

all the ladies were buzzing about it. Not long after that I didn’t see him anymore. Well you

know what I think, all my sense said vampire?

About a year later a young lady came in Lori tall beautiful woman black hair gold eyes

and she also was very pale skin but something different about her I couldn’t stop looking at her

eyes I said you have very beautiful eyes her reply was I am not like you I have a condition I was

born this way my pupils are shaped this way because I am anemic I eat raw liver, but it has been

hard for me. Well I knew right away she was like Bryon. As time went on, I wanted to know

more about this disease and why raw meat, why anemic this is what I found out (porphyrias),

(erythropoietin ) (EPP) blood disorder this is responsible for vampire folklore we think. But as

today they are still walking with us there are many kinds of vampires in this day and time, and as

truth I have one more story for you.

Over time my job moved out to west valley and came to work with a beautiful girl named

Jen we hit it off as friends right away she was kind of goth and her and I traded work on each

other hair one day she invited me over to her house to do it and when I got there to my surprise

vampire décor. (WOW) it was out of sight she said she loved vampires and she felt she was born

in the wrong time. The next week we had a lady come in that was a past life reader and she

wanted to have her do it on her, and you will never guess she came to the shop so excited to tell
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me what the lady said. And this is what she said to me, the lady sat her in a chair and told her to

relax and to listen to her voice only her voice, and that there would be an angle next to her and to

take her hand and hold tight and if she got scared at any time she could come back, but to stay as

long as she feel comfortable, and to stay with the angle she said.

She was told to look and tell her what she could see, and she looked and saw she was

standing on a cliff with the mist of sea air in her face she felt as if she was meant to fall, but the

angle was holding her she had on a green dress with gold thread very fine made of silk and gold

threads. And she was to look and there were a castle and many people were coming to kill the

person in side he was a good man that she loved and there were body’s on poles it was a

gruesome sight. She knew that she loved him, but his head was cut off and buried far from his

body. After she was brought back in this time the lady told her she was Vladimir’s wife.

To my surprise, one year later the movie Vladimir was released and everything that jen

had witnessed in her past life was portrayed in the movie. To this day she is married and the man

she had married looks exactly like Vladimir and also holding the same interests. I am still strong

with curiosity in my story boarding class at SLCC I created a story of vampires and had to

perform further research to include in our story board. I found that most vampires were killed

with wooden steaks and or heads severed from their bodies and their heads placed between their

legs with rocks placed in their mouth, and large slabs of concrete were placed over their graves

so that they cannot dig their way out.

They can be seen in places all over the worked today. Winnemucca Nevada has a similar

place like this. There graves must face north to south instead of east to west. You can find more

evidence today with people coming out portraying they are vampires, and the generation today

walk amongst us today and pay people for blood. The vampire tests the blood upon him/her self
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to make sure it is disease free. Their friends or people are usually happy to be paied for such

services. They claim that their hearing is heightened and sexuality along with sight and overall

good health.

Also, I have found other vampires besides blood drinking vampires, these vampires steal

the energy of people and thrive off of good energy and enthusiasm. They can drain you of your

energy and you intern feel helpless. There are many types of vampires, some that live a truly live

a vampire life in the dark and are sensitive to the light. Then there are those that love to live in

the light. Experiences and studies that I have come across has led me to believe to this day that

they walk amongst us.

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