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27TheRi seoft heDawnst arIst oodi nt hemi dstoft hest ill-ragi ngbat tle, numb.

Ihadf ai l
“Thisi sal ly ourf aul t,
”scr eamedt hear chmageashest r
etchedouthi shandandbl ast edme
withdar kmagi c.Iv aguel yf elthi spowerhi tmebutIdi dn’tf l
inchasIt ur nedmygazeonhi m.
Luci an’smagi ccoul dnotpenet rat emyshi el d.I thadbecomesost rongnot hingcoul dget
through.Fr om t hecor nerofmyey eIsawTr ist anchar gingatt hear chmage, hi sgl eami ngswor d
sed.Bef or eIcoul ddoany thi ng, heswunghi sswor dandbr oughti tdownonLuci an’ sneck,
sev eringhi sheadf rom hi sbody .Itr olledt owar dmewi that humpast hel ifelessbodyoft he
ArchmageofAv al oni af elltot hegr ound.Ther emai ningDr akaar ,realizingt heircommanderhad
len, st ar tedt or et reat .Thef ieldwasst reakedwi thbl oodandbl ackash, andt het errified
screamsofdeat hr esoundedi nt heai rast hef ire-faewar riorsandAbr axasdr ov et her estoft he
Drakaarandt hei rdemonsbackt hr ought hepass.Il ookeddownatLuci an’sheadl essbodyand
tsi ck.Moment ar il
yf rozenwi tht hesi ghtofi t, If elltomyknees.Luci anwasdead, thebat t
wasov er, andEl fi wassaf e.Butwehadn’ twony et ,notbyal ongshot .Andr omedahadt heBook
ofAbr axas, andi twasonl yamat teroft imebef or eshegav ei tt oMor gana.Ihadf ai l
edt o
prot ectt hebookandt hewor ldwoul dhav et opay .It r
iedmybest ,buti twasn’ tgoodenough.
Rhiannonandt heel der scamef or war dt or einf or cet hewar dsar oundt heki ngdom unt ilmy
grandmot herhadr ecov eredf ul l
y .Ther estoft hear mywasassi stingt heel itewar r i
or si nhunt i
downanyst raggl ersl ef tthi ssi deoft hemount ains.Ther ewasabeat ingofmassi v ewi ngsas
Abr axasf lewoutoft heskyandl andedbesi deme.“ Thanky ou, Aur oraShadowbr eaker .”The
greatdr agonbowedhi sheadt ome.“ Iwi l
lnotf or getwhaty ouhav edonef orme, andf ort his
wor ld.”Agaspwentupf rom t heEl derCounci l
.Foradr agont obowt oadr agonl ordwas
unhear dof .Ther estoft hewar r i
or shadst ar tedmi ll
ingar ound, tryingt ogetacl oserl ookatt he
egendar yEl derDr agon.“ Donotdespai r
,”sai dAbr axas, stilltal kingt omei nmyhead.“ Whaty ou
hav eachi ev edher et odaywasani mpossi bl ef eat .Nodr agonl or di nf ivet housandy ear shas
beenabl et obr eakt hechai nsonmypr ison.Wemayhav elostt hebook, butEl fiisst illst anding,
andSi lver thor nest il
l hashi skey , sowedohav ehope.Youar enol ongeral onei nt hi s.Iam her e
now.Iwi ll gui dey oui nt hebat tlest ocome.I fy ouneedme, all youhav et odoi scal l.
”“ Wai t
You’ releav ing?It houghty ouwer egoi ngt ost aywi thme, ”Ipl eadedi nmymi nd.“ I’
m adr agon,
Aur ora, notapet ,
”sai dAbr axasi nhi sdeepv oi ce, whi chr ev er ber at edi nmyheadast heot hers
ookedonsi lent ly.Theywer epr obabl ywonder ingwhatwewer et alkingabout .“Youhav ethe
ng.Usei t.Youcanspeakt omewhenev ery ouwi sh.Iwi ll heary ouwher ev ery oumaybe. ”“But
whataboutt hebook?West i
l hav et odest royi tandf reemymot herf rom t hedagger .
”“ Andwe
,”answer edAbr axas, hi spur pl escal esgl i
st eni ngl ikeamet hy stsi nt hesunl i
ght .“ Thi si snot
theend, hei rofI llariaLi ght bringer .Thebat tlemaybeov er,butt hewarf orAv aloni a’sf reedom
hasonl yj ustbegun. ”Thegr eatdr agonr oared, asoundt hatt ouchedt hef urthestr eachesoft he
faeki ngdom.Hespr eadhi smassi v ewi ngs, cast inganenor mousshadowov ert hef aear my ,
andpouncedi ntot hebr ight eni ngsky .It urnedt omygr andmot herandt heEl derCounci l.They
wer eal llinedupandl ooki ngatmewi thaweandanewf oundr espectont heiri mmor t
al faces.
Mygr andmot herst eppedf orwar dt ost andbesi demeandaddr essedt hef ae.“ Peopl eofEl fi

shebegani nacl earv oice, thev oiceofani mmor t al queen.“ Forf i
v ethousandy ear swehav e
wai tedf ort hehei rofI ll
ar i
aLi ght bringert or et ur nandl eadusoutoft hedar knesst hathas
descendedonourwor l
d.Nowwear ef inal l
yont hecuspofanewage, anagewher edar kness
hasnopl ace.Thewarhasonl ybegun, andIchooset oal i
gnmy selfwi thAur or aShadowbr eaker ,
Br i
ngerofLi ght ,truequeenoft heki ngdom ofI l
liadorandt heHei rofEl fi.”Shepaused, folding
herhandst oget her .“Pr epar ey our sel vesf ort hebat t l
est ocome, fort her ei shopef orthi swor ld
yet .TheAgeoft heDawnst arhasbegun. ”Ther ewer echeer sanddel i
ght edcr i
esf rom t hecr owd
ast hewor dspr eadt hrought hear my .Andt hent hemostunexpect edt hi nghappened.My
grandmot her , t
hedowager ,andt hewhol eEl derCounci l,includingTr ist an’ sf ather , bowedt heir
headst ome.Behi ndt hem, theEl itel edbyEr ikbentt hei rknees, andt her estoft hear myoff ae
war ri
or sdi dt oo.Iwasov erwhel med, butIhel dbackmyt ears.Icoul dn’ tcr yi nf r
pract i
cal l
yt hewhol ef aeki ngdom.Theywoul dt hinkt heDawnst arwasabl ubber ingi diot .SoI
steel edmyf aceandhopedt heynot i
cedhowt rulyhumbl edIwasbyt hei raccept anceand
respect .Tr ist anaccompani edmeaswer odebackt ot heCr ystal Cast l
ei naconv oyf lankedby
Erikandt heEl i
teasSnowf lewonov erhead.Wehadj ustr eceivednews.Penel opehadmanaged
tost opSky ef rom get tinghert roopsi nt ot hecast le.ButIknewSky ehadescaped.Now
Andr omedaandSky ehadt hebookandMor ganawasi nanmuchst rongerposi t
iont hanbef ore.
Thef irstt hingIneededt odowast ogetmygr anduncl eoutoft hedungeonsandawayf rom t he
Blackwat er s.Hi skeywasal l thatst oodi nt hewayofMor ganaopeni ngt hebookandr el easi ng
Dr agat hont hewor ld.Oncewehadt hekey , wewoul dsear chf ort hebookanddest royi t.The
roadt omymot herandmyt hr onest illseemedendl ess, butatl eastIhadhope.Whenwegot
backt ot hecast l
e, Iwentt omeetPenel ope.Shewasl yingonherbed, herf acepal e, herbl ue
ey esdi m asi ft hel ifehadbeensuckedoutoft hem.“ WhatcanIdo? ”Iasked, horr i
f i
edasIr an
toherbedsi deandknel tdownbesi deher .Shecoul dbar elyspeak, andshookherheadsl ight l
“Youcannotheal me, Aur or a.Iam weakbecausemostofmymagi cisgone. ”“ Buty ouwi ll
recov er? ”Af aintsmi le.“ Ihopeso, ”sher epl ied.“ Buti tmayt akeawhi let or egai nmypower s.”
“Whathappened? ”“ Whi l
eIwasbusycl osi ngt hepor tal,Sky eat tackedme, ”Penel opewheezed.
“Tr i
st anhadsentr einf or cement sandIl ett hem i nt ot hepal aceassoonast hewar dswer edown.
Ni ghtCour twar rior sdr ov eAndr omeda’ ssol diersbackt hr ought hepor tal andsecur edt heci tyin
Izador a’sname. ”Penel opet urnedherheadt ot hesi de, awayf r
om me.“ Ishoul dhav ebeenabl e
tost opher .
”Iputmyhandov erher s.“ It’sokay ,Penel ope, youdi dmor et hanenough.I fitwas
any one’ sf aul titwasmi ne.Ishoul dhav ebeenher e.”Penel opehel dmyhandi nher sand
squeezedi tgent ly .“Youhav et ost opbl ami ngy our sel f,Aur ora.Notev ery thingt hathappensi s
yourf aul t.Youcannotbei nt wopl acesatonce.Youdi dy ourbest ,andt hati sal lanyofuscan
ev erhopet odo. ”ThedooropenedandKi ldar enwal kedi n, butthi st i
mehel ef thisguar ds
wai tingout side.Ist oodup.“ Whatdoy ouwant ?”“ Icamet oapol ogi ze, ”Ki ldar enanswer ed, to
mysur pr ise.Hi ssapphi reey esl ookedt r oubl ed.“ Forwhat ,exact l
y?Fort ryingt ogetr idofme,
forput tingPenel opei nt hedungeons, orf orcol ludi ngwi thAndr omedat oki llmygr andmot her ?”
Kildar enshookhi shead.“ Idi dn’ tknowAndr omedawast heonewhopl annedt ohav eI zador a
ed.Ionl yagr eedt ogoal ongwi thhert ogetr i
dofy ou, butImadeami st ake. ”Hecamecl oser
and, tomysur prise, knel tdownnextt ot hebedandt ookPenel ope’ shandi nhi s.“ Ishoul dnev er
hav emi strust edy ou, Penel ope, andf ort hatIam t rulysor ry.WhenIdi dn’ thearf rom y ouf orso
manyy ear s, Ithoughty ouhadf or got tenme.Iwassoangr yIwant edt obel iev ey ouwer ea
traitor ,althoughIknewy oucoul dnev erbeone. ”“ Icoul dnev erf orgety ou, Ki ldaren, ”sai d
Penel opesof tl
y.“ Ihadt ol eav e, andIcoul dnott elly ouwher eIwasgoi ngf orar eason. ”Thi s
wasawkwar d.“ Um, I’l
lleav enow, ”Imur mur edandst ar tedbacki ngawayt owar dt hedoor .Ther e
wasobv iousl ysomeunf ini shedbusi nesst her e,andi twasn’ tmypl acet oi nt erfere.Ishutt he
doorsof tlybehi ndme.Iwoul dhav eachancet ospeakt oPenel opel at erandaskherabouti t
wasex haust edandwi shedIcoul dsl eepf oraweek.Isoakedmyt iredbodyi nt het ub, whi ch
wasal readyst eami ngandwai t
ingf orme.Ibar elyhadanyener gyasIcr awl edi ntomybedand
fell i
ntoaqui etdr eaml esssl eep.***Iwokeupt obi rdschi rpi nghi ghi nt het reesi nt hepal ace
gar dens.Awar m wi ndsi gnal edt headv entofspr i
ngandsunl ightst r eamedi nt hrought hegr eat
archedwi ndowsofmyr oom.Ir ealizedt heyhadf inal lybeenf ittedwi thcr y stal l
iket her estof
themagni ficentf aecast le.Tr istanwaswai t
ingatt hebot tom oft hest epsl eani ngagai nstt he
wal l,hispower ful ar mscr ossedi nf r ontofhi m.Hesmi ledwhenhesawme, hiswhol ef ace
ight ingup.Foramoment , Ihadt ocat chmybr eat h.Thepr inceoft heNi ghtCour twas
dev ast atingl yhandsome.Ihadr eal izedt hi sbef or ebuti twasnev ersonot iceabl e.Pr obabl y
becauseoft heper manentscowl onhi sf ace, Ithoughtt omy sel f, andgi ggl ed.“ Youknowy ou
don’ thav et opr ot ectmeany mor e, don’ ty ou? ”It easedwhenIsawhi m.Hi sl i
pscur vedupwar d
nawr ychuckl e.“ It houghty oucoul dpr ot ectmef rom nowon, ”sai dTr ist an.“ Iwast hi nking
afterwear emar ried, Imi ghtr etir
eandl eav eal lthef ight ingupt oy ou. ”Il aughed.Butcr inged
nwar dl y.HowwasIgoi ngt ot ell hi
m Icoul dn’ tmar ryhim?Mygr andmot herhadnor easont o
forcemyhand.Iwassur et hef aear mywoul df ollowmei fIdi dn’ tmar r
yTr istan.Ihadt of i
wayt ogetoutofi twi thouthur ti
nghi sf eel i
ngs.“ Izador awant st oseey ou, ”sai dTr istan, pushi ng
himsel fof ft hewal l.“ TheEl derCounci l hascal l
edameet ing.”Thi swasmyl ife, counci l
meet ingsandwarst rat egi es.Ther ewasnomor et imet opr act icebei ngaqueen.“ Theyar e
wai ti
ngf ory oui nt hecounci lchamber ,”Tr i
st ani nf ormedmeasIf ell i
nt ost epbesi dehi m.“ Iwi l
wal ky out her e. ”Mygr andmot hersatatt heheadoft het abl ei nherr ight f ul pl ace, andt he
dowagersatbesi deher .Al l headst ur nedt owar dmeasIent eredt hecounci lroom; theel der sall
gotupf rom t hei rseat sandbowed.Mygr andmot hergest uredt oachai ratt heendoft het able
opposi teher .“ Hav easeat ,Aur or a,
”sai dt hequeenoft hef ae.Isatdownont hechai rt hathad
beenbr oughti nspeci fi
cal lyf orme.TheEl derSi li
asspoke.“ Aur or aShadowbr eaker ,
usi ngmyt i
tlef ort hef irstt ime.“ Thecounci lisf or ev eriny ourdebtf orst oppi ngAndr omeda
from dest roy i
ngev ery thingwehav ebui l
tt hesef i
v et housandy ear s.AsI zador ahasr i
ght lysai d,
sincet heanci entdy nast yofEos- Eirendi l disappear ed, t
hef aehav ewai tedf ort hehei rofI ll
Light bringert or etur nandl eadt hef aebackt othei rfor mergl ory .Iti swr itteni nt heCodex. ”I
ookedatmygr andmot her .Herf acewasi mpassi v e, herl ipsseti nat hinl i
ne.Buthergol den
ey esst udiedmeev enl y .Rhi annonwasqui ett ooandsatwi thherhandsf oldedi nherl ap, her
backr amr odst raight .“Whatwepr opose, ”st ar t
edt heEl derSi lias, gl anci ngatt hequeenoft he
fae, “ist hatI zador ast epsdownandhandst hecr ownofEl f
i ov ert oy ou, thusr einst atingt he
anci entl ineofEos- Eir endi l tot het hr one. ”What !Wer et heygoi ngt odot hi snow?Whent he
whol eofAv al oni ast oodpoi sedont hebr inkofwar ?Whent heyhadt houghtIwasanobody ,a
hal f-
br eed, theywer er eadyt ot hrowmet ot hedogs.Theywer et ooscar edt ost andupt o
Andr omedaandwer ewi lli
ngt ogi vet hebookupt oMor gana.Nowt heywer escar edofme, so
theywer ewi lli
ngt opushmygr andmot herasi deandgi vemet het hr one.Idi dn’ ttrustt hem.“ And
youar er i
ghtnott ot rustt hem, ”Abr ax asobser vedi nmyhead.“ Ashi ftinpowerl i
ket hiscoul d
bedet riment al toourpl ant or etakeI ll
iadorandgett heDar kDagger .Youneedy our
grandmot heront het hr oneofEl fi t
okeept heel der sandt heot hernobl ef ami li
esi ncheck.You
cannotr emai nher et or ulet hef ae, andoncey oul eav e,t hecounci l wi l
l hav eabsol ut epower .
agr ee,”Isai dsi l
ent lyt oAbr axas.“ I
’llhandl eit.”Asl ongasIwor et her inghepoppedi nandout
ofmyheadwhenev erhewant ed.ButIdi dn’ tmi nd; i
twasr eassur ingt oknowIwasn’ tal oneand
hadhi shel pandv astknowl edgewhenev erIneededt hem.Idi dn’ ttrustt hecounci ltor uleEl fi
andbet her et ohel pwhenIneededal lies.ButIcoul dnotr ef uset het hr oneout ri
ght ;theywoul d
seei tasanaf frontt ot hef ae.Ihadt ochoosemywor dscar efully.Mygr andmot herhadshown
thatshet rust edmebynami ngmeasherhei rinf rontoft hewhol ecounci l.NowIwoul ddot he
samef orher .Il ookedatmygr andmot heragai n, butsher emai nedsi lent .Icl earedmyt hroat ,
pushedmychai rback, andst oodup.“ Thanky ou, ElderSi lias,”Isai d,noddi ngatt heEl derFae.“ I
am t rulyhumbl edbyy ourshowofgoodf aithandal legi ancet omyf ami ly ,t
heanci enthouseof
Eos- Ei rendi l.”Ipaused, glanci ngar oundt het abl e.“ ButIcannotacceptt het itleasqueenofEl fi
atl eastnoty et .
”Whi sper ingbr okeoutar oundt het abl e.Icl ear edmyt hroatagai n.The
whi sper ingdi eddownast heEl derCounci l gav emet hei rfull attent ion.Icoul dseeasmi l
play ingatt hecor nerofmygr andmot her ’sl ips.“ El fialreadyhasaqueen, ”Iexpl ained, r aisingt he
toneofmyv oiceanot ch.“ Izador ai st her i
ght ful queenofEl f i
,andIam herhei r.
giv i
ngt hem t i
met ot akei ti n.“ Iam al soqueenofanot herki ngdom.Onenowr uledbyanev il
tyrant .Iwi llnotal lowoneki ngdom t of all intochaosbecauseIam t oobusyl ooki ngaf ter
anot her .Mygr andmot heri sagr eatr ul er, herpoweri sunmat chedi nEl fiandbey ond. ”Iwal ked
slowl yt owher emygr andmot hersatandst oodathersi de, put tingmyhandont hef aequeen’ s
slendershoul der .“ Thet imehascomef ormet ol eav eEl fiandt akemypl aceasqueenofI l
Izador awi llruleEl fi i
nmyname, untilsuchat imeasshei sr eadyt ohandov ert hecr ownt ome
ort omychi ldren.TheEl derCounci l
wi ll onl ysuppor tthequeenwi thadv i
ce, butwi llnol ongerbe
concer nedwi thchoosi nganewqueenev er yt housandy ear s.Izador ai sy ourqueenandal way s
wi llbe, unt ilIsayot her wi se. ”Agaspwentupf rom t hecounci l.Ihadef fectivel ytakenawayal l
thei rpower .Mygr andmot herst oodup.“ Nowt hatt hat ’sset tled,”shesai dcr isply ,hergol dey es
flashi ngandherl ipscur vingupi naf er al gr in,“thi scounci l i
sdi smi ssed.Unt ilsuchat i
deci deIwanty ouradv ice. ”Theel ders’ ey eswentwi deandSi li
asst oodup.“ Youdon’ thav et he
powert odi smi ssus. ”“ButIdo, ”Iasser ted, cr ossi ngmyar ms, justast heenor mousshadowof
Abr axasf ell ont hecounci l tabl eashef lewpastt hecast l
eout si de.I mmedi at ely,thewhol eEl der
Counci lgotup, bowed, andscur ri
edoutoft hecounci lchamber .Onl yt hedowagerandmy
gr andmot herr emai ned.“ Ni cel ydone, ”sai dAbr axas.Ismi ledl ooki ngoutoft hewi ndow.
“Thanksf ort hef ly-by .”“ Any ti
me, ”sai dt hegr eatdr agon.“ Youhav egr owni ntoaf iney oungl ady ,
Aur or a,”mygr andmot hersai dunexpect edl y,st eppi ngcl oserandhol dingmegent l
ybyt hear ms,
hergol dey esshi ni ng.“ Icoul dn’tbeanypr oudert ohav ey ouasmygr anddaught erandmyhei r.

“Thanky ou, ”Isai dsi mpl y .“Iti sIwhoshoul dt hanky ou, forsav ingmyl i
f eandmyki ngdom. ”I
shookmyhead.“ Idi dn’tsav et hebook, ”Imur mur edsof tl
y .“I’
m notwor thyt obeI llaria’shei r.”
Thequeenl ookedatmeshar pl y.“Whati sdest inedi sal readywr i
tten—y oucannotchanget hat .
Thewor ldhasbeenawai tingy ouf orav er yl ongt ime.Thati st her easonIbr oughty ouher e, to
giv ey out hechancet or eal izet hatandt ouncov erwhoy ouar e.TheDawnst arwaspr ophesi ed
tosav eAv aloni af rom dar kness, andy ouar ef inal lyr eadyf ort het askahead.Thet imehascome
tot akebacky ourf ather ’st hr oneandendMor gana’ sr ulef orgood. ”Shepausedandherv oice
sof tened.“ Thet imehascomet ogety ourmot herback, andmakesur eDr agat hnev err ises
agai n. ”Inodded.Thi st imeIwoul dnotf ai l
; thist imeIwoul ddoi tright .“Theywi llplotagai nst
youoncey ouar egone, ”sai dt hedowager ,tur ningt ome.“ Lett hem t ry.”Thequeensatback
downi nherchai r.“Izador awi llneedast rongal lyamongt hef aei fshei sgoi ngt ohol dt he
thronei ny ourname, ”t hedowagercont i
nued.“ Shehasy ou,”Isai d, stillsmi ling.Rhi annon’ slips
twi t
ched, butshedi dn’ tsmi le.“ Bet hatasi tmay ,anal l
iancewi tht heNi ghtCour twi llgr eat l
hel pmat tersher e,”thedowagersai dpl ai nly .“Nowt hatMor ganahast heBookofAbr axaswe
mustactf ast.Youmustt akeanar myt oI l
liadorandr etrievet hebookaswel l ast heDaggerof
Dragat h.”Iknewwhatshewasget tingat .ButIl ethert alk.HowwasIgoi ngt ot ellherIdi dn’t
wantt omar ryhergr andson?“ Idon’ twantt of orcey oui ntomar r
iage, ”sai dmygr andmot her ,to
mysur prise.“ ButRhi annoni sr ight.Ri ghtnowt hef aewi llfollowy oubecauset heyar eaf raidof
yourpower s.Butamar riaget oaf aepr incewi llmaket hem t rusty ou.I nbat tl
ey oumusthav ean
armyy oucandependon. ”“ButwhataboutTr istan’sf ather ?Hedoesn’ twantt hemar riaget o
happen.Hewaswi l
ngt ogi vemeov ert oMor ganaj ustt ogetr idofme. ”Thedowagernodded.
“Thatwasbef ore.Nowt haty ourt r
uel ineagehasbeenr eveal ed,mysoni smor et hanhappyt o
ov erlooky ourmagesi deandhasgi v enhi sbl essingsf ort hismar riage. ”I’m sur ehehas, I
thoughtt omy self,butdi dn’tsayi toutl oud.Heknewmar r
y i
nghi ssont omewoul densur ehi s
inet ookt het hrone.Tohav et hemagi coft heanci entqueensbr edi ntoy ourf ami l
ywast he
mostpr est i
gioust hingt hatcoul dev erhappent oaHi ghFae.“ Thinkabouti t, Aur ora,”sai dt he
dowager .“ Abet rothal isnotamar riage, althoughi tisacont r act.Youcanst illtakey ourt imet o
gur et hingsoutandgett oknoweachot herbet ter.Youdon’ tneedt omar ryi mmedi at ely.A
bet rot hal wi llshowt hef aet heycant rusty ou, thaty ouar eoneoft hem.Oncey ouhav et aken
backy ourki ngdom andar ereadyt oset tl
edown, theny oucangetmar ri
edi fy ousochoose. ”“I
knowy ouhav ebeenpi ningov ert hePr i
nceofEl doren, ”interrupt edmygr andmot her, buther
tonewasnotunki nd.Howdi dsheknowabouthi m?HadPenel opet oldheraboutRaf e?“ Ialso
knowhei smar ry i
nganot her.”Mygr andmot her’sey essof tened.“ Mymostt rust edspi eshav e
nf or medmePr i
nceRaf ael wasseeni nBr andorr ecent l
y .Theyhav eal soi nf or medmet hatt he
RedCi tadel inthepor tci tyofSanr iahadabi gr oyal weddi ng.”Myf acef ell.Hehadf inal ly
accept edt heEmi r’
spr oposal tomar r
yKat er ina.Whyel sewoul dhegot her e?Hehadmadehi s
deci sion, andIwasn’ tpar tofi t.“Hehasputhi skingdom bef orey ou, ”expl ai nedmygr andmot her,
voici ngmyt hought s.“ Andy oumustdot hesame. ”Hert onewasst il
lsof t,butt hatdi dn’ tmake
herwor dsanyl esshar short rue.Ir eal i
zedshepi ti
edmeandmyst upiddr eamsofl ov e.Iwas
slowl yst ar t
ingt or eal i
zehowbl indIwas, wai ti
ngandhopi ngagai nsthopet hatRaf ewoul dnot
mar ryKat er i
naandcomebackf orme.Butt hatwast hest uffoff airy t
ales, andt hiswast her eal
wor ld.Ihadbeenonl ysi xt eenwhenImethi m, andhehadbeenmyf i
rstlov e.Atsev ent eenI
wasn’ tmuchol der ,butIwasat inybi twi ser .May beIt houghtIwasi nl ov ebecauseIdi dn’tknow
anybet ter .Butasmal l par tofmewasscr eami ngt hiswasn’ tt rue.Thatt hel ov eRaf eandIhad
wasr eal .Ibr ushedi tasi de.I twasobv iousl ynott obe.Raf ewasmar ri
ed, andhewasnev er
comi ngback.I fhehadonl ywai ted, Iwoul dhav egi venhi m anar my .Iwoul dhav ehel pedhi m get
hiski ngdom backi fhehadonl ycomet ome.Butmygr andmot herwasr i
ght ; Ihadt odowhat
wasbestf ormyki ngdom.Mar ryingTr istanwoul dhel pmegai nthet r
ustoft heHi ghFae, and
whent het imecamet of ightMor ganaIwoul dhav eanar myatmyback.Imademydeci sion.I
hadt ot akemyl ifeint omyownhandsandmov eon.IwasAur oraShadowbr eaker ,br ingerof
ight , anddr agonl ordoft heanci enthouseofEos- Eirendi l
.Iwast heDawnst ar .AndIwasgoi ng
tochanget hewor l

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