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Teaching Portfolio Rationale - Standard 10

Name: Sky Stressman

Date: Double click on date for pop-up
calendar. 11/5/2018

Course: ED 314B

Instructor: Ogino, Robin

HTSB​ ​Standard​ ​#10:​ ​Leadership​ ​and​ ​Collaboration - The teacher seeks appropriate leadership
roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners,
Module 3 - Choose Standard 4,5,8 or 2.
families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner
growth, and to advance the profession.
PLC meetings. Weekly Professional Learning Community meeting for high-school teachers. For
55 minutes each Monday the high school team has a scheduled meeting where we plan and
Describe your artifact that represents collaborate. The agenda is open, we will discuss upcoming events, projects, or issues within
HTSB standards 4, 5, 8 or 2. the high school.
Currently we are focusing our meeting time on discussing and planning for implementing PBL
Describe the results of your artifact. in the high school. We were able to develop a cross-disciplinary PBL project that concluded
with a student project showcase that was open to the school, families, and community.
Part II: Connect the teaching artifact to a
sub-standard and assess your
Choose one (01) Sub-standard that best
10.1: Candidate Collaborates with Colleagues - Does Candidate participate on the instructional
represents your teaching artifact and the
team(s) and use advice and support from colleagues to meet the needs of all learners?
Standard from which it belongs.
A lot of our time in PLC meeting is spent discussing how we can increase student achievement
through our projects and instruction. No matter what subject we are discussing the focus is
Explain the connection between the
always the same, the student. Our PBL project planning is centered around students and
artifact and Sub-standard.
meeting their needs. We can discuss as a team how to best build accommodations for
4 - Candidate ALWAYS does this as a teacher or scores 90% or above (Exceeds Proficiency)
Self-assess your proficiency level (1 - 4)
of the sub-standard chosen.

Our PLC meetings have given us time to collaborate and not only develop projects and lessons,
but we were able to work as a team to implement the projects. This meant that students were
Explain your Self-Assessment.
able to learn in the environment/classroom that was best suited for them and their learning
10.3: Candidate Collaborates with Families and Community - Does Candidate elicit information
Part III: Improve your proficiency of the
about learners and their experiences from families and communities and use this ongoing
HTSB Sub-standard.
communication to support learner development and growth.
Describe how you will improve the
Increase the amount of family communication
proficiency of your chosen Sub-standard.
Describe at least two appropriate
research findings on how to improve
Describe how you will implement your
Create fun school events to engage families

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