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Dear Malcolm,

Hi! I am a pretty busy person all the time. In my free time, I like to hang out with my
friends on my hall. We will go eat or just hang out in my dorm and watch movies. I have so
much fun with them. If I am not doing that, I am watching Lie to Me with my three best friends
Asha, Cassie and Hannah. Sometimes we will just sit there in silence but we don’t mind because
we just want to be around each other we don’t have to be doing anything.
I am extremely close to my family. I miss them all the time. I have one sister and two
brothers. The oldest is my sister, Sammie, she is 21 years old. We have a pretty good
relationship. We are only three year apart which can cause some problems because she thinks
she is so much older than me but she really isn’t. The middle children are my brother, Justin
and Me, we are 18 years old. We are fraternal twins, we honestly don’t even look like sibling.
He is at UNCC as well. We have a really good relationship. We rely on each other a lot. Last but
not least is my little brother, Garrett, he is 11 years old. The big gap between us causes some
issues just because I don’t think he understands that since we are older, we get to do more
things than he can. We still have a pretty good relationship. I have a great relationship with my
parents. My relationship with my dad has definitely got better since I moved to college. My
relationship with my mom has always been amazing. She is my rock. I go to her for everything
she is my best friend.
I love being at UNCC. I believe that this school is the perfect fit for me. In the beginning
of the last semester, I was really sad and just in a funk and honestly that lasted for a long time. I
couldn’t seem to get out of it. By the end of the first semester, I started to make a lot of friends
and they helped me get out of the funk that I was in. The second semester is going to be great
and I am so excited for it! I have not declared my major but I plan on majoring in Business
Management and minoring in Family and Child Development. I have enjoyed most of my
courses. The only course that I did not like was psychology, I just couldn’t get into it. It was
boring to me. I really enjoy writing however I am not very good at it. I am just really bad at
grammar and sometimes putting my thoughts in a good order. I am hoping this semester I can
grow in my writing skill.
I was an extremely active person in high school and I am trying to be just as active in
college but I just trying to get a feel for the environment first. In high school I was on the
yearbook staff, was the stage manager/assistant director for theatre, cheered, and worked.
These things kept me very busy. I decided to not have a job my first year of college because I
just wanted to get acclimated to college and the way everything works. It’s been a pretty good
decision so far.
There has been one time in my life that has changed my overall view on life. I am not
going to go into too much detail or this paper will be extremely long. My senior year of high
school, my best friend Sabrina committed suicide. This was the hardest time of my life. This
really made me realize that you can’t worry about what other people think or how others want
you to live your life. It’s your life….. live it the way you want to. Have fun. Be crazy. Do you. It
also taught to enjoy every moment. Live in the moment. I know that if Sabrina was still here
that this is exactly what she would want me to do. You can’t dwell on the past you have to live
in the moment. I miss her more and more everyday but she helps me live my life to the fullest
even though she is not here. She made me the stronger person I am today.
So there you go! This is me a crazy, emotional, confused, determined, excited teenager.
I am flying by the seat of my pants but I am living life and I am loving it. I am so excited for this
class. Thank you so much!
Bailey Stephenson

p.s. There are pictures on the next page.

These are two of my best friends This is my best friend Destiney
This is me! and I
Tori and Kristina.

This is my mom and I. She doesn’t

like taking pictures so I love this
picture of us.

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