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1. Accept the therapy in a positive way and believe in its healing effect is number one.

psyche is very powerful and we can definitely influence the healing process.
2. Walking in the forest and breathing deeply. It is proven that oxygen helps accelerating
the recovery. Even the day I received the chemo I went for a walk and afterwards felt
good. So maybe you wife can also engage in exercises in the nature.
3. Adjusting the food take in. Reduce sugar, wheat, coffee and meat to a minimum. Instead
I switched to tea, vegetables and fruits (if possible organic) and low carb food items like
millet, quinoa, oats, legumes, noodles made of peas or lentils to deacidify the body. Of
course, eat chicken meat, beef, fish and chocolate (black chocolate only). Instead of
conventional sugar use coconut blossom sugar and instead of bread made of wheat
prepare own low carb bread.
4. Take items to detoxify the body and reduce the side effects of the chemotherapy, e.g.
take healing earth with water in the evening or tea of natural herbs like stinging nettle
or dandelion. Drinking in general is very important to clean and detoxify the body.
5. In case of pain in shoulder and arm due to the operation, psychotherapy can help. Take
manual therapy to improve flexibility.

Homemade low carb bread:

 50 gram of different ingredients like oats, flaxseeds/linseeds, grated sunflower

seeds, grated nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds etc.) and if you want and have
available chia seeds (soak chia seeds in water for 10 minutes before using). You can
combine these ingredients the way you want to have at the end 50 gram
 1/2 teaspoon of natron/bicarbonate of soda
 2 eggs
 250 gram low-fat curd
 Salt

Mix all these ingredients, fill in a baking tin and put into preheated oven at approx. 120° C
for 1 hour approx.

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