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The impact of humorous appeal in advertising on Brand popularity

Personal information:

1. Gender
Male Female
2. Age

18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 Over 55

3. Education level:

High school and lower Intermediate Bachelors

Masters PhD degree Others

Please evaluate the degree of your agreement with the impact of humorous appeal in advertising on
brand popularity.

Factors Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

agree disagree
4. You consider humor important in your
everyday life.
5. I think humor in advertisings is
6. In my point humor advertising increases
brand recall
7. I get amused and attracted towards
humor based advertisements because
they make me laugh or smile
8. People like to watch those
advertisements which bring
entertainment in their life and can cheer
them up from their tough routine
9. the use of humor content in
advertisements is acceptable for products
as long as it’s within certain limits
10. I purchased the product just because I
liked the commercial
11. Advertising effect your opinion
regarding brand credibility.
12. Humorous advertisement has a greater
impact on generating stronger brand
popularity through word of mouth.
13. Advertisements having fun and laughter
content are remembered by the people
due to which majority of the people do
remember the name of that brand
14. Humor based advertisements have the
capability to engage the audience as they
are the ones who get viral more over
15. Humor based advertisements have their
own charm, we tend to share that with
our family and friends more often
16. I spoke of humours ads much more
frequently than other ads (non humorous)
Strongly Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree
agree disagree
1. Do you find these advertisements
humorous/ funny?
2. Advertisement’s message is
3. Based on these advertisements, do you
think you will consider or compare this
network with your current choices?
4. Will you find information about the
network based on this advertisement?
5. Will you consider this network when
switching, based solely on these
6. Do you recommend someone else about
this network?
7. Do you find above advertisement
8. Do you share these type of
advertisements with others?
9. Have you ever discuss these type of
advertisement with your friends?
10. To what extent do you AGREE or
DISAGREE with each of these ----------- ----------- --------- ----------- ------------ ------------
statements? This ad . . .
11. GAINED my attention.
12. HELD my attention
13. Is Interesting
14. Is Hard to Understand
15. Is very familiar
18. All things considered, this ad is highly

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