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Good morning, mister

2. Hello
3. Could you help me to register for a class?
4. What class are you trying to take?
5. I want to take a Underwater Hockey class.
6. Yes, there are two classes
7. I want to know on this sport
8. To participate in this sport you need to know swim
9. If I swim, what else do I need?
10. You have to be very skillful in the water
11. Which are the rules?
12. Teams consist of 10 players with 6 players in the pool at all time. The
remaining 4 act as rolling substitutes.
13. And how long goes it last?
14. Games take place for two 15 minute halves with a 5 minute rest period in
between halves.
15. This sport it is dangerous?
16. Not if you know swim
17. How do they score?
18. Players can only score using the stick in their hands and cannot use any
body parts to assist moving the puck.
19. Where is the competition of underwater hocky?
20. The competition is in Ingland.
21. How much does underwater hockey classes cost?
22. The monthly payment is 250 and the uniform costs 500 soles.
23. Can you tell me what days the classes are on?
24. Classes are on Mondays, Wednesdays, Tuesday and Thursday
25. One class is on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
26. And the other class?
27. That class is from ten to twelve on Monday and Wednesday.
28. When you start classes?
29. I want to start from the first march
30. Are you sure these are the only open classes?
31. Yes, I am sure.
32. Okay, sign me up for the class on Monday and Wednesday.
33. Very well then.

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