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Weekly Journal Entries

Week 1
1/14 8:00am- 9:00am 1hr
1/15 9:00am-3:30pm (-1 hr for class) 5.5hrs
1/15 5:30pm- 8:30pm 3hrs
1/16 8:00am- 3:00pm(-1 hr for class) 6hrs
1/17 8:00am- 2:30pm 6.5 hrs
1/18 8:00am- 2:00pm 5hrs
total hours worked: 27 hours
During this first week of my 480-hour internship at the Milledgeville Life Enrichment Center I
had the opportunity to jump right into the amazing efforts that the center is fulfilling. I started my
week off on Monday, January 14th, 2019. I took part in the 8am Monday weekly meeting, this is
where the whole center meets to discuss the plans that are scheduled to happen throughout the
week, staff along with clients gather for prayer and then they enter everything which the week
has in store for them. I truly enjoyed the chance to witness this because this was also the meeting
that the clients were introduced to all of the interns and they were given a brief description of
what we would be partaking in. From the Monday morning meeting, I met with the GCSU grad
assistant that is overseeing my internship, we discussed what was to come and how for the first
couple days she just wanted me to insert myself and see which area I was most drawn to. Then
the following day, Tuesday, January 15th, 2019, I was not able to go into the back with the
clients, I was instructed to stay in the front to complete certifications as well as test that I must
finish prior to entering the action. The computer was down in the morning so I spent the majority
of the morning getting to know the office staff and bonding with them over left over dinner for
lunch. Tuesday, I also went through my orientation process and started planning by getting input
from the staff on what they would like to see be implemented. Tuesday, we also had a CEC
event. CEC is where I spent most of my time during the Community Service Learning hours in
Community Health last semester. I am familiar with these clients and they are always entering a
new adventure. The first CEC event of this month was taking the clients to see a movie. We went
to the Milledgeville movie theater and watched the new movie, A Dogs Way Home (side note;
super sad movie but super cute movie). Clients loved this film, everyone in the theater was
crying and the clients were so quick in letting the whole theater how touched they were by the
movie by clapping during the monumental movie moments. I specifically sat by our sweet client,
Lisa. Lisa is no stranger to me; I have worked with her in CEC events before and her and her
mom are so full of love and encouragement. During the movie, I sat with Ms. Lisa and
throughout the movie I was able to watch her laugh, I was able to watch her be shocked, and I
also was able to remind her to drink her coke because let’s be honest we all know how salty
movie theater popcorn is. With Tuesday being over, we did not waste any time in starting
Wednesday Jan. 16th. I arrived at 8 am as usual and I was assigned to work in DAY HAB the
program for lower functioning clients. After spending a few minutes in here and meeting the
staff and clients I knew that was exactly where I wanted to pour all of my energy into. In this
program, we started our day off with music and exercise and then moved forward to a snack.
After their snack, I rushed to my 10am Epi class with Dr. K and then I came back where DAY
HAB then began their lunch. After lunch Jenni Norris and I planned our schedule and came up
with our project with help from the Centers Director, Mrs. Barbra. We were able to come up with
a manageable project that has a little research to do over it but when they are I can’t wait to tell
everyone all about it. And before this day was over Jenni and I sat down and came up with a day
to day schedule that would give us goals of what to do and where we would be. And with that
going into Thursday we met the schedule and followed where we would be and what we would
be doing. The first part of the day we are constantly pouring into the clients in DAY HAB and
showing them love and caring for them, and then the second part of the day we are brainstorming
and coming up with ways in which we can make the DAY HAB program one in which all these
clients are capable of interacting in constantly. And Friday, Jan 18th Jenni and I met in DAY
HAB and we danced for a while and then we went to snack time. Following snack time, we all
loaded up on busses and went to Old Time Southern Cafeteria Buffet where the clients (and the
staff) ate and ate and ate some more. After arriving back to Milledgeville to the center Jenni and
I called it a week and we went home, but though our time there was over for the day, we each
went home and kept looking into the potential ideas for the DAY HAB room. I learned over the
course of this week that working with these individuals is truly not for everyone, the staff has
told me multiple times that it is very rare that someone asks to work in the DAY HAB room and
that breaks my heart but at the same time it makes my heart grow and shows me how to love
these clients and how to love them with every bit of my being. This was my week one and I
cannot wait to see what all week two has in store.

Week 2
1/21 MLK HOLIDAY 0hrs
1/22 8:00am- 3:30pm 7.5hrs
1/22 4:30pm- 8:30pm 4hrs
1/23 8:00am- 3:00pm (-1 hr for class) 6hrs
1/24 8:00am- 2:30pm 6.5 hrs
1/25 8:00am- 10:00am 2hrs
The center was closed on Monday for MLK day, giving us as well as the clients a three-
day weekend. But even though this week was four days, we made sure to pack in as much impact
as we could. Tuesday morning, January 22nd, we arrived at 8am and reported to DAY HAB. We
began the day off with dance exercise and some music to get our day as well as week going. We
colored with the clients, Julian (one of the clients) especially loved coloring, as did CH (another
client). Jenni and I spent time with the clients during snack time and during lunch. However, we
decided it was time to start our brainstorming for our project. The second half of this day Jenni
and I worked in the office searching for ideas for what all to implement. Then around 2pm we
met with Natalia to go over the evenings CEC event. We came up with a few “minute to win it”
games and a plan for how the night would go. All four of us agreed on cup games, Oreo games,
and the all-time favorite; a whip cream game. I spent the night conducting the games and
keeping track of the scores. The clients loved seeing who could get the Oreo from their head to
their mouth the fastest as well as seeing who could stack cups the fastest. But the one game that
stole the show was racing to see who could find the piece of bubble gum in the bottom of a bowl
of whip cream and blow a bubble first. My team did not come in first, but I did have the honor of
making the koozies for the first-place winners.
Wednesday, January 23rd, and Thursday January 24th Jenni and I spent both days in the
same routine. We arrived at 8am and reported to DAY HAB, took part in current event news and
music time. As well as snack time and lunch time. However, with our time here we have come
across a treasure. Wednesday, we were pointed to where the old photo albums were. These two
days of Wednesday and Thursday we looked through these old memories of the LEC and shared
and learned so much about these clients. We learned that the center use to also be a place for
babies with special needs and that most of the clients we have now have grown up in the LEC
and this is truly their safe place. Looking though these pictures we have decided to partner with
Martha, who has been at the center since the beginning. Starting Monday, we will be putting the
pictures in order by year and we will be digitally copying them into a slide show that will be
present on all the centers TVs.
I was not there long Friday, January 25th, I went to the center for two hours, then I left for
class. I did not return to the center because I had an allergic reaction taking over my legs with
hives. After a trip to Urgent Care I have learned that the corn salsa I ate the night before is not
something my body agrees with. But with a few allergy shots and some medication I am back
and better than ever. I cannot wait to see what all this next week holds. Because of my allergic
reaction I was not able to make it to Saturdays CEC event of attending the GCSU basketball
games, but I know they all had a blast and I am sure there are so many stories I get to hear when
I get back!
Week 3
1/28 8am- 3:15pm (-1hr) 6.15
1/29 8am- 3:30pm
1/29 6:30pm- 8:30pm 9.5
1/30 8am- 3pm (-1hr) 6
1/31 8am- 2:30pm 6.5
2/1 8am- 9:30am 1.5
Monday, January 28th, I started my week off at 8am in the morning meeting for the week.
The management team discussed how the week would go and what all it had in store. This was
spirit week, that consisted of favorite hat day, blue day, tacky day, character day, and sock day.
The clients loved these themes and dressed up by them daily. Monday went just as every
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I went to class and then I came back and Jenni and I had the
chance to sit down together to discuss what all we were planning to do.
Tuesday, January 29th, was probably the longest day I have had in a while. Jenni and I
met at the center at 8am and then we headed over to Lowes to look into paint samples. A
professional painter will be volunteering to paint the center in March so we have had to gather
paint samples for the clients to choose from. But our day was far from over after bringing the
samples back to the center. Jenni and I started cleaning out the DAY HABs storage closet. The
before and after pictures are almost unrecognizable. We not only cleaned the closet out we also
rearranged it. Then later Tuesday night Jenni and I reported to the Night to Shine buddy meeting.
This meeting was put in place to prepare us for the actual event of the Night to Shine or as all my
clients say, Prom. This night will be all about them and will celebrate each of them individually.
Wednesday, January 30th, Jenni and I went back to Lowes to get more paint. However,
they charge four dollars for paint samples so this time we only left with more paper samples.
Then we went back to the center and reported to music time and then to snack time. Then from
word of mouth we heard the Walmart offered free samples, so we went there, but again it was
too good to be true. When we got back to the center we were asked to meet with Mrs. Barbra.
We discussed our plans as well as grew our plans.
Thursday, January 31st, Jenni and I reported to the center. But we decided to look for
donations so we went to ACE Hardware downtown. We received a nice shelf to construct and
make use of in the bathroom of DAY HAB. We also went to Harrisburg to a thrift store to
purchase a discount bookshelf for the center. Then we made it back and cleaned out the new
shelf we bought and even took the time to clean off all the windows in the room. All of these
little changes are truly adding up.
Friday, February 1st, Jenni and I planned on just using this day for research. We had to
meet off site because the internet on the campus of the LEC only has a few websites assessable.
But because of a family crisis I was not able to stay past 9:30am but I plan on returning back to
Milledgeville on Wednesday to pick up where I left off.
Week 4
2/4 0 hrs
2/5 3pm-4pm 1 hrs
2/6 11am- 3pm 4 hrs
2/7 8 am- 3:30pm 7.5hrs
2/8 8 am- 3pm 6hrs (-1 hr for class)
2/8 4pm- 9:30pm 5.5hrs
total hours worked this week = 24
I was not able to make it to the Life Enrichment Center on either Monday or Tuesday due
to family matters which I needed to be of aid in. However, throughout my time in Alpharetta I
did an ample amount of research for what changes could be brought in. This is where I found the
center called Jacobs Ladder. Jacobs Ladder is a neurodevelopmental school and therapy center
for all aged individuals with IDD. This center faces each day with the use of Occupational
Therapy and they have an entire form of Methodology that they use and the clients respond
extremely positive to it. On Tuesday, I decided to swing by for a visit before I left for
Milledgeville. But they do not offer walk in tours, so they let me know that they will be in
contact with me regarding a tour in the near future.
On Wednesday, I reported to the bottom floor of Health Sciences at 11am for a Choir
class. I met the bus of clients and aided in getting them to the classroom. This is a smaller class,
with only about 8 clients and four staff members. During this time, we sang good morning songs
and started planning our showcase of two Whitney Houston songs. I sat back and watched our
clients come up with the chorography that they want us to use and then I proceeded to learn all of
the dance moves. After the class, we all went back to the center, where we celebrated a client’s
Birthday with cake and ice-cream. And following that we met with one of the ladies over us and
we were able to slowly get our ideas into becoming reality and fully wrapping our head around
the GCSU grant that we will be receiving. We finished the day off with continuing to clean all
of the tape off the windows as well as the dirt and grime.
On Thursday and Friday, we pretty much did the same tasks. Jenni and I met at Blackbird
to do more digging for what we could implement on the three walls we are transforming. We
have to meet somewhere other than the center because on the centers Wi-Fi server a number of
websites are blocked. The majority of these two days were spent behind a computer just so we
can get this project perfect. Friday when we finished our tasks around 3 we had an hour to go
home and prepare for the Night to Shine. The Night to Shine is an event that the clients look
forward to every year, this is their prom. They have activities for the men and the women to
finish the final preparations to be fully dance ready. I was a buddy volunteer so that means I was
partnered up with Mr. Joe, one of my DAY HAB clients. He and I danced the night away as well
as spent a lot of time in the Karaoke room where we sang our hearts out to YMCA. This week
was absolutely amazing and having the opportunity to celebrate all of my clients was beyond
Week 5
2/11 8am-3pm (-1hr for class) 6
2/12 8am-2:30pm 6.5
2/13 8am-3pm (-1hr for class) 6
2/14 8am-2pm 6
2/15 8am-3pm (-1 hr for class) 6
total: 30.5
total hours to date : 137.15
Over the course of this week Jenni and I found ourselves being completely over flowing
with work. We continued our research on Monday at Blackbird and prepared what we thought
were the finishing touches to our plans. However, we went into the Center on Tuesday and
realized that our research was far from over. We went in on Tuesday, and I continued to clean
the windows, despite that there was even more tape on them from the first day that I started
cleaning them off, but that’s okay. Also, we found out that the bookshelf that we purchased for
the DAY HAB program is not going to be used in there, but again, that’s okay because it will be
of more use in the Activity Center. But further into Tuesday, we met with Mrs. Barbra and
showed her our drawings and the materials that we believe will fit in the DAY HAB room the
best. At first we did not think she would agree to the plans, but she completely agreed with them,
and supports us 100%. Not only does she support us, she gave us so many helpful ideas that
makes Jenni and I both so beyond excited to see how everything will pan out.
However, there is one matter that will continue to take a large amount of time. I have
mentioned it before but to reiterate, the grant we are working with is from Georgia College, and
the terms behind it have to be that all items purchased have to be non-taxed. And that is so easier
said than done, we are in contact with the companies we are purchasing items from with the
hopes that rather than taking the taxes out that they could possibly charge us more for the item
with no taxes. But I will have to update you on their responses later on.
Jenni and I are having the opportunity to get to know the clients so well, so when we are
looking up items there is such beauty in individualizing who would love what. We are making
sure there is something for everyone. Every day here is like a breath of fresh air we are able to
love what we do with being loved right back. I cannot wait to see what this next week holds.
Week 6
2/18 11am- 3pm 4
2/19 9am- 2pm 5
2/19 5pm- 9pm 4
2/20 8am- 3:30pm (-1 hr for class) 6.5
2/21 12am- 5pm 5
2/22 na 0
Total 24.5
Running total 161.65
Jenni and I began the week with gathering the finishing touches on our plans for the DAY
HAB wall. We had a difficult time gathering items that were nontaxed so that took a significant
amount of time. Along with having to find items that were nontaxed we could search for the
items at Lowes and Walmart, because the school has a good standing relationship with both of
those companies. So, Jenni and I finished our Excel file on what we needed to purchase and we
were so excited for the ideas which we came up with.
Tuesday, we spent a significant time going through the list to see if there were any other
places that we could find the items that were not from Lowes or Walmart. We had been given the
idea to go explore a junk yard so we decided to look one up. We drove out to Macon only to
discover that the junk yard we had found was for auto parts only, then the kid working the front
desk directed us to another one closer down to Milledgeville. We arrived to this junk yard and it
was only scrap medal. And then I realized that Freshman year I went to a junk yard on the
grounds of Central State, we explored this place from front to back and we couldn’t find any
items that would be of use. But in the end the lack of findings will over all help us down the road
so no time is wasted. Later on, Tuesday Jenni and I attended a Creative Enrichment Center
Program event. We met with Natalia at five to discuss where we were within our internship and
how everything was going. When the clients started to arrive, we began the night’s events. We
made salt and water color art, where you use glue to draw what you want to make and then cover
the glue with salt and then put the water color over the salt. The other activity was body scrub
making, where we combined sugar, salt, coconut oil, and our choice of whatever essential oil.
The clients loved these activities. We were served dinner from campus kitchen, and then Jenni
and I stayed after to continue cleaning. However, there was one piece of information that
prolonged Jenni and I’s night. During our meeting with Natalia and Mrs. Barbra we were given
the news that all the items would not work because the school was now requesting that all the
items would be put into an Amazon folder, so after CEC Jenni and I went back to her place to
start from scratch and look for everything we had previously found on Amazon.
Wednesday, I arrived at the center at eight in the morning and we met with Mrs. Marcilla
to give her an update of where everything was going and the new items we had found. Jenni and
I also reported to the Activity Center and cleaned off a new table that we hope to bring over to
DAY HAB. After my Epi class I attended Choir where we continued to learn more about our
performance. We went back to the center and met with Mrs. Barbra where we went through each
item and discussed its importance and where it would go, as well as came up with new ideas as
Thursday Jenni and I rode up to Roswell to tour Jacobs Ladder. A school for children
with IDD. I personally envisioned something completely different than what they do offer. And
nothing against them, I just don’t think the methods they are using would be as beneficial to our
clients as it is to theirs. But Jenni and I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with them and to share
with them about each of our organizations.
Week 7
2/25 8am- 3:15pm 6.15 hrs
2/26 8am- 8pm 12 hrs
2/27 8am- 3:20pm (-1hr) 6.20hrs
2/28 8am- 1:45pm 5.75hrs
3/1 8am- 2:30pm 6.5hrs
total 36.59hrs
running total 198.24hrs
This past Monday Jenni and I met with Mrs. Barbra and showed her all of the interesting
items we found during our tour at Jacob’s Ladder. She also liked the other items we found to add
to our Amazon wish list to send over to the school for grant purchasing. While I left for class
Jenni and Mrs. Barbra continued to discuss the changes. For the remainder of the day Jenni and I
stayed in Mrs. Barbra’s office finalizing our plans as well as meeting with the other interns to see
where they are as well.
On Tuesday, Jenni and I aided in the finishing touches of that nights CEC event. We
started the day off in DAY HAB with exercise and music time. Then we met with Mrs. Renee
and we found out all of the information pertaining to our Alternative Spring Break plans. Mrs.
Barbra came and joined us and we finalized the last bit of plans that needed to be discussed
before it was too late. Everything was working out rather well. But when we moved on to the
CEC event planning of the UNO tournament we realized that the Amazon shipment of supplies
was on back order and was not arriving the day we needed it. So, Mrs. Renee went and
purchased UNO cards and Jenni and I got creative. We spent time and made an UNO picture
frame, and two huge UNO cards for the night’s photo booth. After we were done with these tasks
it was time for the event and we all had so much fun. Campus Kitchen came and brought so
much great food to cook for us. All the clients had such a wonderful time and the winners of the
tournament won more UNO cards.
On Wednesday, Jenni was out sick and I was all alone. I started out the day with asking
Mrs. Marcilla if there was anything I could help her with. She didn’t have anything at the
moment so I went into DAY HAB and we did exercise and music time just like every morning.
However, after lunch she had me take two clients and lead an arts craft for them to be able to
take home. I taught them how to paper mache, we did this to long slivers of poster board and
after they finished I went into the art house and stenciled their names on them for something cute
that they could take home and put in their rooms. After I finished I took them and showed them
off to everyone because I was so proud of their hard work.
Thursday Jenni and I spent the entire day working with the bikes that Mrs. Barbra
donated for us to disassemble and use on the texture wall. We had the hardest time and it took
forever, and we only put a dent in the progress of one bike, the other one we will have to get
different tools and we will start next week.
Friday Jenni and I worked on the bike and we started on what we will be using for the
base of our textile wall. We took out a number of staples of old plywood that we will be able to
use. We also took a group of 4 clients into the lunch room and taught them all about the health
benefits of hummus and how healthy it is. We taught them how to make black bean hummus as
well as traditional hummus. Then we aided in the hotdog lunch for activity center and gave them
all the opportunity to try the hummus which we made.
Week 8
3/4 8am- 2pm (-1hr for class) 5hrs
3/5 8am- 2pm
3/5 5pm- 8:30 pm 9.5hrs
3/6 8am- 2:45 pm (-1hr for class) 5.75hrs
3/7 8am- 4pm 8hrs
3/8 8am- 10am 2hrs
3/9 10am- 4:30 pm 8.5hrs
total 38.75
running total 236.99
This past week was full for Jenni and I. We sanded wood blocks that we will be using for
the DAY HAB cubbies. Along with sanding them we stained them and painted stencils of
numbers on them. Using the scrap wood that we have had donated and that we have found
around the LEC we have decided to treat the wood the same way with quotes and words to place
around the room as well. The week was so busy but we honestly did the same routine daily. We
stained. We painted. And we sanded. So many pieces of wood. We spent the majority of the
week in the art house working on furthering our process. On Tuesday, I took a client home with
me and we watched High School musical as we got ready for the Mardi Gras party for the CEC
event. During the event, me as well as the music therapy intern aided the clients as they made
their festive masks. It was also such a treat to have Dr. K there because Jenni and I had the
chance to give him a sneak peek into the everyday for Jenni and I. After the CEC event followed
a meeting regarding the Alternative Spring Break which Jenni and I will be joining the LEC on.
Wednesday was just like the following days with the working in the art house, the only thing that
was different was Jenni and I reported to vocal choir at 11.
Thursday Jenni, Mrs. Barbra, and I all met with Dr. K to get him up to date on the
progress Jenni and I had made, as well as our intention of where we are going. Then Friday I
aided in the Activity Center for the time in which I was there. But the day I was there that the
most was completed was Saturday. I didn’t know until Saturday morning that we were meeting
there so I was late but I ended up staying until late painting and getting things ready for the
weeks to come!
Week 9
3/11 8am-5:45pm (-1hr for class) 8.45
3/12 9:15am- 3pm 5.45
3/13 10:30am- 3:30pm 5
3/14 8:30am- 12:30pm 4
total 22.9
running total 259.89
Monday began with the usual Monday meeting where we learned about many upcoming
classes and meetings that will be going on throughout the week. After I returned from class I
began the quote wooden sign that Mrs. Barbra requested that we make. I also aided Mrs.
Barbra’s husband and one of the clients with unloading his truck with more donated wood and a
pressure washer. I also sanded down six pieces to get ready for the clients that were coming for
the spring break meeting later in the day. While I sanded the wood Jenni and a client tie dyed the
banner that we will be holding during spring break.
Tuesday Jenni and I proceeded with painting the signs as well as preparing the other
signs. Along with preparing and painting Jenni and I met with Mrs. Barbra to discuss the terms
of the grant as well as the final touches of the trip we will be taking over spring break.
Wednesday, I had work until 10, so after my Epi class I reported to the center and Jenni and I
were in the same routine of working on the decorations that will be showcased in the DAY HAB
room. Wednesday, we also took the time to make the banner that we will be taking with us on
spring break. As for now we are so pleased with how everything we have made has turned out.
Thursday, we were both not there for a long time but the time which we were there we
completed all the projects that we started on Monday and that was something to be so proud of
because how time consuming everything was. It has been such a pleasure working with Jenni
because we work so well together as a team. Friday, we both did not go in because we took this
day to prepare for our spring break trip.
Week 10
3/16 9:00am- 11:00pm 14hrs
3/17 7:30am-10:30pm 14.5hrs
3/18 7:00am- 11:00pm 15 hrs
3/19 9:00am- 4:00pm 7hrs
total: 50.5 hrs
running total: 310.39
This week Jenni and I will be in attendance with the center over Spring Break. We are
spending our time on what is called the Alternative Spring Break. This trip we have taken 6
clients and we have paired up with them to be there buddy throughout the week. Throughout this
week we will be preparing service projects as well as working in the efforts of hurricane relief.
Saturday, we drove to Wrightsville, North Carolina where we got settled into the house we will
be over the course of a few days and after we settled we took a walk on the beach with our
buddies and then we spent the night in with ordered pizza. Sunday, we all woke up at around
6:30- 7:00am where we then ate dinner made by Ms. Dee and Tia. After breakfast, we had a
dance party while we all got ready for Church. Then we walked over to the little church on
Wrightsville island. The service was wonderful and they introduced us to the entire
congregation. I especially enjoyed this because I had the chance to worship with the people that I
have grown to love so much over this semester. After Church, we all piled in the van and went to
eat at a seafood restaurant called the Boat House. Then we all went shopping on the island.
When we got back from shopping we rested until dinner, for dinner Amy made tacos and we had
a taco night for St. Patrick’s Day. After dinner, we all hung out but we went to bed early because
we were preparing for the busy day we knew was to come.
Monday, we all woke up early and walked downstairs for a quick breakfast but then it
was time to walk out the door. We first went and spent a few hours volunteering at the
Wilmington Diaper Bank. Where we sorted out orders of certain diapers but we also wrapped up
the diapers ourselves. Being able to take part in this was such a beautiful thing, because we were
able to first hand help out not only babies but also adults and we also were able to get together
ladies supplies as well. Then we went and had a picnic at the local downtown park. After this we
went to a woman’s house that was hit hard by the hurricane. We were able to help with yard
work. This was special to me because we always hear about hurricanes but this day I saw first-
hand what it was capable of destroying. But with the community we also were able to see people
joining together to piece by piece place it together. After this we went back to the park and spent
more time there. This day was so sweet and we all really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, we were able to sleep in just a tad and we had a late start to the day. We then all
split up into three groups where we all went to three different Vintage Values. This is a restore
place that raises money and helps out in other ways individuals who have been effected by
domestic abuse. While we were there I took part in hanging up the new clothes that were coming
in to be put into the store for sell. After our time, here I was driven to the airport, and now I am
currently waiting on my plane while I type this journal. But I couldn’t have asked for a better
first half of my spring break and I loved every minute of it.
Week 11
3/25 11am- 2pm 3hrs
3/26 8am- 3pm 7hrs
3/27 11am- 3:20pm 4.5
3/28 8am- 2pm 6hrs
3/29 11am- 1 2hr
total 22.50
running total 332.89
This week had a rough start, with trying to recover from the spring break blues and for
my personal experience I had a number of job applications to finish. But this week was also one
of the best weeks we have had. We finally received our order of materials for the textile wall as
well as the other walls. Jenni and I were extremely productive with finishing up the last of our
signs that will be going into the room as well. There were a few setbacks, such as the matter that
all the signs we have made thus far were destroyed with the woodshops saw dust, but Jenni and I
acted quick and we were able to recover what we could of them. But with the fact that Jenni and
I have been getting stuff done rather than having the chance to spend time with the clients we
have missed them so much. So, Thursday we had a sweet surprise in store for us. We had the
chance to go with the clients to the Macon Cherry Blossom Festival. We were able to catch up
with our clients and we also had the chance to meet many of their friends that were also visiting
the festival. The hardest part about this trip was the fact that everything was outrageous in price,
but I say that and I will most likely be visiting again. Friday Jenni and I met at the center after
and made a few signs that will be used by the GC2Y class; Ability Versus Disability. The field
day will take place on front campus on Tuesday and the entire center is looking forward to it, so
being able to make these signs was a pleasure.
Week 12
4/1 8am-3pm -1hr 6
4/2 8am-8pm 12
4/3 8am-4pm -1hr 7
4/4 8am-4:20pm 8.20
4/5 8am-6:30pm -1hr 9.50
total 42.7
running total 375.59
When recapping the past few months at the Life Enrichment Center I must point out that
this past week was by far my favorite. We finished up a number of projects, we painted every
day and we saw so many smiles. Monday, we painted a sign that will be used for the art healthy
gala, and we prepared for Tuesdays field day. Tuesday, we were given approval by the school to
use the purchasing card at Lowes, so we piled in the car and walked isle to isle gathering the
items which we needed. We finished this day by preparing for and taking part in the annual
GC1Y -Ability Vs. Disability front campus field day. This event is beautiful in the sense I have
the opportunity to see so many students fall in love with the individuals I have the chance to
work with every day. I not only had the privilege to meet new students, but also see the students
that previously were in this class come back again. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we spent
the days watching everything come together for our plans in the DAY HAB room. Walls were
painted, and new walls were formed. We have not put all of the new items on the walls, however,
the change is there and come next Monday I cannot wait to see all of the reactions. Jenni, Mrs.
Barbra, and I have spent so much time on this room and watching all of our hard work come
together has been beyond a dream. I can’t wait to have everything finalized so we can start
putting the tactile and sensory items into the room.
Week 13
4/8 11am-6pm 7hrs
4/9 8am- 12pm 4 hrs
4/10 8am- 1pm 4hrs (-1hr for class)
4/11 8am-6pm 10 hrs
4/12 8am-2:30pm 5.5hrs
This week was beyond stressful, with trying to get the poster in on time to be printed and with
gathering more supplies. Monday, I arrived to the center after my morning class. I Jenni and I
made a few trips this day, we went to Lowes and Walmart looking through items that we felt
would work for the room. Wednesday, I began painting a sign that would look perfect in a
common area of the center. After I finished splatter painting it, it was time to help out Mr. Joe
and Mr. Ben. Wednesday, we were supposed to go to vocal choir however we were not able to
because the fire marshal was arriving for a visit of the grounds so Jenni and I had to clean up our
work space. After the fireman left Jenni and I finished up painting the sign for Ring 14, which
we learned would go into the cafeteria. Thursday, I spent an ample amount of time finishing up
the sign which I started painting this week. I also took a trip with Barbra and Jenni to Walmart,
but before we left we looked up more materials. Friday, I was beyond tired and extremely sick so
I was not able to stay until 4 but I was able to get what I could done.
Week 14
4/15 8am- 6pm (-1hr for class) 9hrs
4/16 8am- 1:30pm 3pm-7pm 9.50hrs
4/17 8am- 4pm (-1hr for class) 7hrs
4/18 8am- 6pm 9hrs
4/19 8am- 10pm 2hrs
36.5 hrs
running total 441.59
On Monday, I got to the center at 8am for the Monday morning meeting, I had to stay in
the main building this day due to the fact that the power was out for the day in the art house due
to maintenance work. I waited around looking for where I could do my work but there were no
open spaces, so I found Mrs. Marcilla and asked if I could run into the art house to gather the
supplies I needed and run out. This was no problem so after class I grabbed a block of wood and
began to make it into a sign for the cafeteria. I splatter painted it and then Mr. Joe and Mr. Ben
arrived to make the bookshelf for the one on one area and the garden center for DAY HAB.
While they worked with big machines that I didn’t know how to use I painted the window seals
to the best of my ability. I was here later than usual but it was beyond worth it.
On Tuesday, I finished up the sign which I had been working on for the cafeteria and
helped Jenni complete the Grow sign for the garden center. We made this particular sign with
industrial spinning mechanisms so we had a tough time taking them apart but in the end, it
worked out. Jenni and I left around 1:30pm but I arrived later at 3pm to pick up Georgina. I took
Ms. Georgina to the doctor and we hung out so she wouldn’t have to be at her house alone
without her sister. We spent time talking on GCSU’s front campus and finished the night with
dinner at Velvet.
On Wednesday, I made finishing touches on the number of things we have painted this
semester and I went to class. After class Jenni and I took boxes and boxes of materials into DAY
HAB to start placing all of them out on the different walls. We began with placing the gears on
the textile wall this was a hard task but in the end of the day we were capable of doing it.
On Thursday, I began the day with filling Easter eggs with donated candy from parents
for the Friday Easter egg hunt. After I filled these eggs Jenni and I had a meeting with Barbra
about the finishing materials for the walls. We all agreed that Jenni and I should go to Walmart
and use a buggy for what we for sure wanted. After talking with Kendall (the official purchase
card holder for GCSU) we were able to meet back at Walmart later in the day. I stayed in
Barbra’s office when arrived back to the LEC and I had the privilege to get to know her on a
deeper level than before, she shared with me her life story, her journey to how she got to where
she is now. She showed me strength and showed me hard work. After this conversation, I went
with Barbra to Walmart to find more items and to purchase the ones we had picked out earlier in
the day.
On Friday, I arrived at the center at 8 and sat in the activity center and colored with a few
individuals. I ended up leaving and going home at 10 because I had a funeral to attend in Atlanta
that afternoon.
Week 15
4/22 8am-3pm (-1hr for class) 6
4/23 8:30am-3pm 6.5
4/24 8am- 4pm (-1hr for class) 7
4/24 5pm-8pm 3
4/25 8am-3pm 7
4/26 11am-3pm 4
4/28 8:30am-1pm 4.5

38 hrs
running total: 479.59

Week fifteen was a bitter sweet week. There were a number of lasts, our last choir
practice, our last time painting, and our last Walmart run for materials. On Monday, I arrived for
the Monday morning meeting where we discussed the plans for the week and made sure we were
prepared for what was to come. We also celebrated a number of individual’s birthdays during
this meeting. For the rest of the day I took the time to wood burn a Christmas ornament for Mr.
Ben one of the parents who has helped us significantly. I also touched up the window seals in
Day Hab with a coat of grey paint. Then I left to go home for the night. Tuesday Jenni and met
with Barbra to search for other materials that were left to add to the cart for the grant money. We
also put in place the objects which we bought last week at Walmart and rearranged the room for
Day Hab. Then Jenni and I left for the Presidential Service Award ceremony where we were
recognized for our service hours over the semester. Wednesday, I began the day with wood
burning a present for Mr. Joe, Mrs. Barbra’s husband who has helped us so much. After class I
drove out to Northridge church where we practiced for the night’s performance. When we
arrived back to the center I continued on wood burning and then l hung out in the activity center
and colored with a table full of individuals. Thursday, we filled up the soothing pat mat with the
distilled water and had the opportunity to watch every one of the clients as well as the staff enjoy
it. This was the sweetest day, we watched the clients enjoy what all we have implemented and
we had the opportunity to meet with the group of individuals that survey the site. We got to share
with them our vision and explain to them how it became reality. Friday, I painted the bathroom.
And that was pretty much it for that day. But Sunday is our last day of finishing our project
because we will take part in the Northridge Give day. Where we will have a number of people
come out and help us finish making our dream reality.

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