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Read, Write & Share

Bloggers Story/Interview Template

ArticleNama has started a story cum

Interview series for bloggers and website
owners, where we intend to publish their
journey and success stories. If you are
interested in getting interviewed on
ArticleNama then answer these Interview
questions and send it to the given e-mail

● Submit the filled template in .Doc or .Docx format only.

Notes: ● Do attach relevant images (In JPG format) with link of the image
● Answer should be clear and easy to understand.

A short info about your blog?
How old is your blog and How and Why you
started blogging?

How do you create content for your blog?

What were few mistakes you made in early

years of blogging?

How do you monetize your blog?

What is or has been your SEO strategy from

How didi you promoted your content on
social media? Explain.

Your traffic stats for past few month? How

has been the growth in readership?

How did you create backlinks to your blog?

Where do you see your blog in next two

Which web hosting you trust the most and

Is your blog hosted on WordPress? What

are some essential plugins you use?

How much was your maximum one-day

earning through adsense?

How much money you make on per 1000

Five SEO tips you would like to give to our

Who has been your greatest inspiration

behind blogging?

What kept you going in early years of

blogging when you were not making any

What is the future of blogging according to

3-5 Marketing Strategy that worked like a
charm for your blog?

Countries, where the most traffic comes


What theme are you using for your blog?

What is your background? Including

academic qualifications, experience,
expertise, companies served before and
any other untold story.
What advice you would like to give to
budding bloggers of your field?

Any untold story you would like to share

with us?

What title would you like to give to your

journey so far?

Please Note:​ We cannot project your blog or

website directly rather we want to highlight
the journey so far. Your journey as a
blogger, CEO or founder as well as the
journey of your blog. So it would be an
indirect promotion of you and your blog.

Desclaimer:​ This initiative is like a mutual

benefit act where your blog will get little
promotion and a backlink, and ​ArticleNama
will get some valuable and praiseworthy

Would love to know your opinion on this


Credit-​ ​Patanjali Medicine For Thyroid

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