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fl Designation: D 2487 ~ 98 ered en Sr eo of tM Saab oye ATE Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System)! ‘This sud issue under the fined desigton B 2447; the mate metely following th signin ndcates th year of ginal adopsion onthe case of revision the ea of IM encom. A nambe ip pues ide he yar ls esppovel "peep epson () cae a ea chage ice the ln revision a sepa ‘This stamard bes been approved for we by ences ofthe Deans of Defense 1. Scope* 1.1 This practice describes a system for classifying mineral und organo-mineral soils for engineering purposes based on laboratory determination of particle size charucteristies, liquid Jimit, and plasticity index and shall be used when precise classification is required, Nove J—Use of this standard will result ina single elasification group symbot and group name except when a sil contains $ 10 12 fines oF ‘wher the plot ofthe liquid Titan pasiity iden values fas tothe crosshtched ares ofthe plasticity char. In these to eases, a dual symbol 1s used, for example, GP-GM, CLLML. When the laboratary test results Indica shat the soll (6 close 10 another sel castifiestion group. the borderline condition can be indicated with to symbols separated by a slash. The first symbol should be the one based on this standard. for example, CLICH, GMISM, SCICL, Borderine symbols are particularly ‘sei when the gud limit value of clayey soils is close to 50. Tete soils can have expansive characteristics and ie use of @ borderline C223" GP Footy graded rae 200 sve traci lanes on No Grav wh Free Face Sess a5 Loom Gi Bi ear Nore than 12% free? Free casa ao GL GH 60 Cavey gal" sina Gian Sas Cassa =Ce=9 SW Wetec sa 50% ormore otcouse Lets than 5% aes? GazS andor = G2 30 SP Poor asad ar fecion passes No.4 sve Sarge wih nes Pres csniy as WL oe MH S_—=Sty erg Moro han 12% fees? ‘us cusiy ab CCH SE Gay ena TERRES SOUS Sis as a ware i> Tand pte on or above Wg” —e__teav aay =™ 50% or more passes he No, gu mit ES hs 50 Fie Tor pe taw A the? te mo veve ‘gan i= oven ggg OL gar c= Lea nt pti ot __ Spans” Sis and Cas venaie Pipes ono owe "A oH Fatey=™ Lui it 5 or more Pini Seow Fine a Baste same Ggudiint enced g7g OF Grn cyt au it~ ot od Sree TE HiGIRY ORGANS BOLE ira oer wal. ak eer and pane aoe 7 Feat “aed on the atl passing hw San Oa Tesora 250% pus No, om sore ome TE KCu=DWOe Co = 7430 regina gel ao ge nae ied snl contaed cots or soudes, isa cnn 218% sar ats win soto Sh 4 and en oe A or vor nod "win coobes er Bouter or 53m you rene. soup rare PGravels wih § to 12% ines reauke dual symbos ‘GU. GRE wo grad gravel win at (GW. wre-grades gavel wi cay GP-GM poory graced grave woh si (GP-GC poor grades gravel wth lay Sands with 510.12. nes recite chal saci ‘SW SM wel gaded sand wih sit SWSC wal-gaded sand with cay 'SP-SM pooty graces sara Wen at '5P-SC poony graded sand wth lay Note $—The * line shown on Fig. 3 has been empitically deter TH fines classy ae CLM, vee dual syméel 6c-aM, 0 so-ste "ir we re organ, add “wn orpate fas” to PI ps belo “A soup rane "ot ctai 215% rove, a wh aver ve you name 2 Keerborg ios pet chad aa oe No. 200, as ‘win “see or Wit tee” whichever predomi cto conte 30% pus No. 200, redominany send, 833 "seroy 6 ou rar. to four times larger than shown, ‘PI plots oor above “A ine ‘mined tobe the approximate “upper limit” for aatural sos. Its @ ood check against erontous dats, ad any test results tht plat above or he left of it should be verified 7. Sampling, 7.1 Samples shall be obtained and identified in accordance with 2 method or methods, recommended in Recommended Guide D 420 or by other accepted procedures 7.2 For accurate identification, the minimum arnount of test sample required for this test method will depend on which of the laboratory tests need to be performed. Where only the particle-size analysis of the sample is required, specimens having the following minimum dry weights are required: Maniinum Particle Size, Minimum Specimen Size, Sieve Opening Dry Weight 4.25 men (No. 4) 100 g (0.25 Ib) 915 mm (i) 200 g (0 1b) 19 mm (4 in) LOkg 22 I) 38.1 mm (12 in.) 8.0 kg (18 tb) 75.0 own (3 in.) (60.0 kg (132 16) Whenever possible, the field samples should have weights wo 7.3 When the liquid and plastic limit tests must also be performed, additional material will be required sufficient to provide 150 g to 200 g of soil finer than the No, 40 (425-um) sieve. 7.4 IE the Field sample or test specimen is smaller than the ‘minimum recommended amount, the report shall include an appropriate remark, 8, Classification of Peat 8.1 A sample composed primarily of vegetable tissue in various stages of decomposition and has a fibrous t amor- Phous texture, a dark-brown to black color, and an organic odor should be designated as a highly organic soil and shall be classified as peat, PT, and not subjected to the classification procedures described hereafter. 8.2 IF desired, classification of type of peat can be per- formed in accordance with Classification D 4427. 9. Preparation for Classification 9.1 Before a soil can be classified acconting to this standard, generally the particle-size distribution of the minus 3-in,

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