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Hello my name is Linda yulieth I am 23 years old

Student I live in Neiva

I always get up at 8:00 in the morning after I brush my teeth and

wash the fase.

Drink coffee and bread for breakfast I clean the house I do

homework then speak with mom.

And then wings 10:00 I shower I seen usually check my phone 10

minutes while my mom served me lunch always my makeup and I
comb I really like my personal presentation.

At 11:00 lunch then brush my teeth and go at 11:30o clock to take

bus rarely I come late to the seine at 12:00 o clock and the
environment starting formation with the best instructors a 6:00 o
clock go class I get home at 6:30 o clock frown I organize the
kitchen and usually look at television if I have more tasks pf the
sena end the or review if there are evaluations at 10:00 o clock I
shower my again.

I brush my teeth take my makeup and apply my creams for the

care of my face.

I chat a bit with my friends and family and then I take my pet to
give your ride at night I get home and I finally lie down to rest.

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