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Research Question: What are the negative effects of polygamy in the U.S and other countries?

1. What is polygamy and Who is it practiced by?

2. What type of abuse could polygamy cause?

3. How are polygamous marriages a burden on the marriages?

4. In what religion do young girls have to get married?

5. Are the roles in a polygamous marriage the same as Medieval Times or anything in Ancient

6. Which type of marriage is in God’s Will? Polygamy or Monogamy.


1. Polygamy is the act of having more than one spouse at a time. Polygamy is widely practiced
around the world but it different cultures and religions polygamy is practiced by Africans , Asians
and Muslims mostly.
2. Polygamy can cause mental, physical and emotional abuse. Women are mostly abused mentally
because of the neglect may feel from their husbands.
3. Polygamy on the economy causes ,many problems such as the man not being able to financially
help their wives and it has been statistically shown that this takes place in third world countries.
4. Buddhism and Hinduism allow their children to marriage young but now a days child marriage is
considered illegal such as polygamy is in the United states.
5. The roles of polygamy has changed because the world is changing so nothing is necessarily
practiced the same.
6. Even though polygamy was practiced in the bible such as God’s discipline Abraham he had
multiple wives monogamy is what God wants.

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