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Actually, I am not teaching English, so, I download the book: “English for English

Speakers- Beginner: Level 1 English Out There” for my task.

Task 1.1
Select two consecutive/related pages at random from the language textbook you
are using. Look at them carefully and judge them on the following bases:
a) Is there a valid learnability principle identifiable? Yes, because learners
interact sharing their own information using language skills: speaking,
listening, Reading.
b) Is there a valid utility principle identifiable? Yes, because in one page is
talking about introducing themselves, and in the other page is talking about
nationalities, or, where you come from. Both topics complement each other.
c) Is the topical content engagement, or is it ‘disposable’? The topical is
disposable because it has an “out there” activity, for example, I chose
Lesson 1:”Introductions”, and in “out there” section is a task, “talk to your out
there conversation partners about yourself and ask them questions about
themselves, and this is useful to introduction themselves with real life
d) Do the two pages have some sort of minimal thematic continuity, and do
they form part of a longer thematic context? Yes, both pages have continuity
because both pages have exercises about the same topic, do not change
e) What is the principal objective of the two pages? To be able to greet others
and introduce themselves.

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