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Are polar expeditions a waste of time and money?

Nowadays, many countries invest in expeditions to the North and South Poles. But could the
money be spent in better and properer projects? And moreover, are not these expeditions
damaging the polar environment?

It cannot be denied that the North Pole is in serious danger. A large number of organizations are
fighting against the government’s policy, demanding them to stop these destructive expeditions.
The oil and gas companies are only interested in their profits, and they do not care if they destroy
the Artic environment to extract their products.

It can be argued that it should only be improved the methods that are being used and that the
money that the expeditions bring to are needed to fight poverty, improve public healthcare and
other requirements. However, there is no lack of money nor food nor any good. Poverty is only
caused by the unequal distribution of wealth.

All things considered, I believe governments should stop to fund Poles expeditions immediately.
The money must be spent in the current social priorities and the Poles must be preserved since
they have a huge influence on global warming.

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