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Slamet Muljono Hardy P. Siahaan

Indonesia Toll Road Authority Indonesia Toll Road Authority
Ministry of Public Works and Housing Ministry of Public Works and Housing


The government is striving for planned toll roads to be realized so as to increase connectivity,
competitiveness and lower logistics costs. In turn, the toll road can be the backbone that supports the growth
of the national economy as well as the equitable distribution of development. Based on the review of
Indonesia Toll Road Authority of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing in 2017, it is projected that
Indonesia will have an additional 1,851 km of new toll roads by the end of 2019. The additional projection of
the new toll road exceeds the targets set in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing
2015-2019 as long as 1,060 km. The additional projection of new toll roads is possible besides the
acceleration of land acquisition process through bailout fund by Toll Road Business Entity also introduced
system delivery innovation by implementing Integrated Design and Build Constructions. Therefore, it needs
to be equipped with Standard Operating Procedures for the Integrated Construction Design and Build on Toll
Road Project in Indonesia.

Keywords: toll road, standard operating procedures, toll road authority, toll road business entity


Pemerintah sedang mengupayakan ruas-ruas jalan tol yang direncanakan untuk direalisasikan sehingga dapat
meningkatkan konektivitas, daya saing, dan menurunkan biaya logistik. Pada gilirannya, jalan tol dapat
menjadi tulang punggung yang mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional serta pemerataan pembangunan.
Berdasarkan kajian Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat, pada
2017, diproyeksikan bahwa Indonesia akan memiliki tambahan 1.851 km jalan tol baru pada akhir 2019.
Proyeksi tambahan jalan tol baru ini melebihi target yang ditetapkan dalam Rencana Strategis Kementerian
Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat 2015-2019, yaitu sepanjang 1.060 km. Proyeksi tambahan jalan tol
baru dimungkinkan karena selain percepatan proses pembebasan tanah melalui dana talangan oleh Badan
Usaha Jalan Tol juga diterapkannya sistem Design and Build Integrated Constructions. Karena itu diperlukan
adanya Prosedur Operasi Standar untuk Integrated Design and Build Constructions untuk proyek-proyek
jalan tol di Indonesia.

Kata-kata kunci: jalan tol, prosedur operasi standar, badan pengatur jalan tol, badan usaha jalan tol


The program boosted by the government of Republic of Indonesia in the last three
years is the construction of various infrastructure including the construction of toll roads.
The targets set are 1,100 km of toll roads to be built by the end of 2019 as stated in the
Strategic Plan 2015-2019 of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.
The realization of additional toll road in 2015 is 132 km, then in 2016 increased by
44 km to 176 km. In 2017, it was projected to have an additional 391.9 km, so that the total

Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90 77

additional length of toll roads operated to be 567.9 km. Furthermore, in 2018, it is
projected to increase by 615 km to 1,182.9 km, and in 2019 there will be an additional of
669 km, making a total of 1,851.9 km.
Based on the review of the Indonesia Toll Road Authority (ITRA) in 2017, until
2019, Indonesia is estimated to have an additional 1,851 km of new toll roads. Although
the projected length of toll roads operating in 2019 is not a government promise. However,
it can be assured that achievements by the end of 2019 will exceed the Strategic Plan
The government seeks to have planned toll roads realized to improve connectivity
and competitiveness and decrease logistics costs. Finally, the toll roads can support
national economic growth and equitable development.
In order to realize the projection target, one of the efforts, besides accelerating the
process of land acquisition through bailout by Toll Road Business Entity (TRBE), is the
implementation of Design and Build Integrated Construction on Toll Road Construction
Project which is expected to accelerate the achievement of road projections the new toll road.
This paper discusses the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the implementation of
Design and Build integrated construction delivery models as the basis for the implementa-
tion of toll road construction in accordance with the provisions of the Toll Road
Concession Agreement. The aim is to provide assurance that the processes and procedures
carried out will provide results that meet all technical requirements of the toll road in
accordance with technical regulations.



In the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing 2015-2019,
Indonesia is targeted to have 1,060 km of new toll roads by the end of 2019. However,
based on the review of the Indonesia Toll Road Authority (ITRA) in 2017, the estimated
achievement of additional new toll roads is 1,851 km, greater than the Strategic Plan target.
This estimation may possible because of the acceleration of land acquisition with bailouts
from the Toll Road Enterprises, as well as carrying out construction contracts with integrated
design and build. Figure 1 illustrates the operating toll targets in accordance with the
Strategic Plan 2015-2019 and the results of the evaluation of the 2017 operating toll targets
along with its toll road segments.
From the description of Figures 1 and 2 show that the Government is trying to make
the planned toll road as the back bone of the economy can be realized and operational
soon. In order to reduce the infrastructure back log, to increase connectivity and competi-
tiveness and to decrease logistics costs, in turn, may support national economic growth and
equitable development. With that background, it is an inspiration to innovate system
delivery with integrated design and build scheme.

78 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

Figure 1 Strategic Plan, Review ITRA, and New Toll Road Segment (BPJT, 2018)

Figure 2 Toll Road Construction Plan and Completed 2015-2019 (BPJT, 2018)

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 79
Design and build as understood today, discovered or in the idea by contractors in
the early 1960s, when a number of building contractors began to offer the package. The
contractor offers a complete "package", in contrast to traditionally fragmented procurements,
which have separate agreements contract with consultants and contractors. According to
DBIA (2012), Design Build is a project delivery method whereby a single engineering
contractor entity is integrated into a single contract with the building owner to provide
engineering design services and construction services. Engineering and construction design
services are implemented simultaneously or parallel and integrated.

Source: Thomopulos, 2005 (modified)

Figure 3 Contractual Relationship and Project Time Line DBB & DB

Source: DBIA, 2012 (modified)

Figure 4 Design Bid Build and Design Build

Contractual relationship and project time line Design Bid Build and Design Build
are illustrated as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 on the contractual relationship it appears that
the Project Owner binds the contract to two parties namely: (1) Engineering Consultant;

80 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

and (2) Contractor on the design bid build scheme, while the project owner's design build
scheme only binds contracts with one party only i.e. with Design Builder.
From the description in Figures 3 and 4, the Integrated Design-Build delivery
method can be expected to accelerate the development of toll roads in Indonesia. Benefits
that can be obtained from D & B methods according to DBIA, 2013 are: faster project
completion time; lower cost; higher quality; greater owner satisfaction, reduced litigation,
change orders which may cause increase costs; can meet a limited budget; encourage
workers to complete work faster so that the costs become lower.



The parties involved in toll road development projects with integrated design and
build schemes constructed by Toll Road Business Entity (TRBE) structurally can be
illustrated as in Figure 5.
Figure 5 shows that DB Contractor carries out the design, construction and
supervision that can be done solely by the DB Contractor or contracted to another party.
The function of Construction Management Consultant is to assist the Toll Road Business
Entity (TRBE), whereas Independent Quality Assurance (IQA) Consultant is a consultant
assisting DGH/DGHRO and ITRA. The description of authority, duties and responsibilities
of stakeholders in the Design and Build scheme of the Toll Road Construction Project is
summarized in Table 1, showing which stake holders or parties are involved and their
respective duties, function and responsibilities party.

MPWH: Minister of Public Works and Housing CM Consultan: Construction Management Consultant
DGH: Directorate General of Highways DB Contractor: Design Build Contractor consists of:
DGHRO: Regional Office DGH a. Design Consultant (DC)
IQA Consultant: Independent Quality Assurance Consultant b. Builder Contractor BC)
TRBE: Toll Road Business Entity c. Supervision Consultant (SC)

Figure 5 Structure of The Parties Involved

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 81
Table 1 Matrix of Duties, Function, and Responsibilities of the Parties
No. Job Description DGH/DGHRO ITRA TRBE CM Conslt IQA Conslt
1. Toll Road Receive Copy Signing TRC Signing TRC
Concession (TRC) of TRC Agreement Agreement
Agreement Agreement
2. Bid of Design & Receive Approval Bid Preparing Bid Bid Paticipant Check Bid
Build Contractor Report Document D Document D (Bidder) D & Document D &
(Service Provider) & B Service & B Service B B Service
Provider Provider Provider
3. Field Survey Receive Supervise Planning,
Report and Check Implement,
Survey Survey and Supervise
Result Result
4. Review Basic Approve Check Planning,
Design Document Implement,
and Supervise
5. Approval Review Accept and Discuss and Propose Check Submist Report Revies
and Addendum Approve Propose Approval of Revies Results of Scope
Scope of Work (if Review and Approval of Endorsement and Changes to
any) Addendum Legalization Addendum ITRA and DGH
Scope (if any) Scope
6. Details Design in Acknowledge Acknowledge Approve Check Planning, Check
Stages According (Quality Implement,
to The Needs of Assurance) and Supervise
The field
7. Implementation of Receive Approve Check Planning, Monitoring and
Construction in Report (Quality Implement, Reporting to
Stages Assurance) and Supervise ITRA
8. Design Receive Approve Check Planning, Coordination
Variations/ Report (Quality Implement, and Evaluation
Changes Assurance) and Supervise
9. Provisional Hand Acknowledge Approve Check Requesting Ensure
Over (PHO) PHO Conformity
Scope with
10. Feasibility Approve Requesting Checking Setting Up the Prepare and
Fuction Requisites Prerequisite Report the
Results of Pre-



The Toll Road Integrated Design and Build Construction consists of three phases,
they are document of DB service provider, Design and Construction and Post Construction.

1) Preparation Document of Design and Build Service Provider

Basic Design Document
The ITRA shall issue preliminary documents to be submitted to the Toll Road Business
Entity (TRBE) as stipulated in the the Toll Road Concession Agreement (TRCA) to be
realized in the construction. The initial document consists of the results of the initial

82 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

survey, basic design drawings, reports and calculations of basic design and others.
TRBE recruits the Construction Management (CM) Consultant to assist in preparing
the document of the Toll Road Design and Builder Contractor. After the appointment
of the Design and Build Contractor by the TRBE then the DB Contractor will evaluate
or review the basic design drawings by considering the latest conditions.
The review of the basic design drawings document in the field is carried out under the
supervision of the CM Consultant and the Independent Quality Assurance (IQA)
consultants, with the DB Contractor first preparing the design review process of design
submitted to the TRBE and subsequently reported to the ITRA under the following
a) Activity preparation review of the basic design drawings that are part of the initial
document begins and implemented in accordance with the period of time specified
in the contract agreement Design and Build toll road between TRBE and the DB
Contractor so that the implementation time of the Basic Design drawings review
can be resolved within the time limit that does not interfere time of overall
construction and integrated construction of all construction plans.
b) The Work plan review of Basic Design drawing is a work program that contains
about the implementation of the review Basic Design Drawing includes detailed
plan survey, Design Criteria, Design Concept and coordination with relevant parties
and local Government as the basis for the changes of the Basic Design drawings
required, is submitted to the TRBE and reported to the ITRA.
c) The work plan submitted by the DB Contractor, checked by the CM consultant, is
approved by the TRBE and reported to the ITRA.

Result of Survey Report

The implementation and report of Survey result shall be regulated as follows:
a) Field survey results is carried out in accordance with the work plan, including
evaluating the suitability of the Basic Design Drawing and the ROW Plan
requirements on current actual field conditions and the results of coordination with
relevant agencies and local Government.
b) Reports of survey results to be submitted to the ITRA include:
- Topographic Survey;
- Hydrological Survey;
- Geotechnical and geological Survey;
- Survey of existing road network and existing road function around Toll Road
corridor as well as crossing that directly related to toll road plan;
- Survey of existing drainage network around Toll Road corridor and crossing;
- Utility Network Survey on toll road area; and
- Land use survey of the toll road Right of Way (ROW) area.
c) The results of the field survey are checked by the CM Consultant, seen by the
TRBE and reported to the ITRA.

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 83
Report of the Review of Basic Design Drawing
The Review Basic Design Drawing refers to the Basic Design Drawings, the results of
field surveys and the results of coordination with relevant agencies and local
Government. Submission of report the review results Basic Design Drawing to the
ITRA with the following conditions:
a) The TRBE and the DB Contractor must coordinate with all relevant agencies, and
local Government, on the areas where toll road will be traversed but not limited to
aspects of crossing buildings, irrigation canals, utilities, handling of roads tangent
to toll roads or toll road access, plantation areas, conservation areas, and protected
b) Coordination with the local Government by exposing the toll road development
plan as point (a) to obtain information and inputs and minimize design changes and
social disturbance impacts that may hamper the construction process.
c) The results of coordination/discussion with relevant agencies are submitted and
reported to the ITRA along with supporting documents.
d) The results of the Review Basic Design Report include the following reports:
(1) Design Criteria and Design Concept Criteria
Report design criteria and design concepts that should be reported, including:
- Design criteria and road geometric concepts;
- Design criteria and concepts of pavement structures;
- Design criteria and structural design concepts (bridges, overpas, interchange);
- Criteria and drainage network concept;
- Criteria and design concepts of geotechnical handling;
- Criteria and design concepts of building equipment and toll infrastructure;
- Special Specifications.
(2) Road Geometric Report
Data to include:
- Plan and profile of main roads, interchanges, crossroads of toll roads across
non-toll roads, taking into account the number of lanes and the need for toll
- Plan and profile on / off ramp or rest area;
- Plan local crossing path profile (overpas, underpas); and
- Typical cross-sectional drawings.
(3) ROW Requires Report
The ROW requires report is made referring to the survey results on the land
needs of the main road plan and the on/off ramp, interchanges, overpasses,
underpasses, toll gate areas and rest areas.
(4) Report on the Scope of Work Requirements
Job Requirement Scope Report is a report of survey results and coordination
with related agencies and local Government including requirement length of

84 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

main roads, access roads, interchange, number of overpass and underpass and
other complementary buildings.

Approval Review of the Basic Design Drawings

The review of Basic Design Drawings on the TRBE proposal will be approved by the
Head of the ITRA. The approval of review Basic Design Drawings will be the basis of
addendum process the scope of work if the change of Basic Design Drawings impact to
change of trace, requirement of the ROW and influence to public interest. Review of
Basic Design Drawings as a basis in the process of drawing up the details Design and
Build Drawings of each construction with approved design criteria and design concepts
as reported and submitted by the TRBE.

Implementation of Field Work During Basic Review Process Design

a) To fill out the activities in the field during the review process of the Basic Design
Drawings Draft, the DB Contractor conducts physical activity activities in the non-
structural field including preparatory activities, site fasility preparation, work
access road construction, quary survey and material testing, clearing, grubbing and
other activities that already have land and technical certainty.
b) If the Basic Design Drawing document is not changed or only partially and still in
accordance with the conditions of the field then the DB Contractor can directly
carry out the preparation of details of Design and Build and the implementation of
the construction under the supervision of the Supervisionl Consultant (SC).

2) Construction
Preparation of Design and Build Picture Details
The stages of drawing up the detail drawings of the Design and Build Drawings are the
stages as a follow-up to the approval of the review of the Basic Design Drawings so
that in detail the Design and Build drawings of each construction can be carried out
immediately, subject to the following conditions:
a) Schedule of Design and Build Picture Detail Drawing
The drawing schedule of Design and Build drawings is adjusted to take into
consideration the construction plan and the work methods to be performed by the
DB Contractor.
b) Basic Drawing of Design and Build Drawings Details
The Detail Design and Build Drawings is prepared based on the review of Basic
Design drawings considering design criteria and design concepts that have been
submitted and approved by the ITRA.
c) Approval and Review of Design and Build Drawings Details
Approval and checked of the detail Design and Build drawings of each type of
construction will be carried out by the TRBE/project level with the following

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 85
(1) The DB Contrator performs the Design and Build Drawings detail by
appointing a qualified design consultant as well as the law on the competence of
the designer’s consultant in the roads and bridges.
(2) Detailed Report of Design and Build Drawings submitted by the DC to TRBE
by first checking by Indepedent Checker (if required). The Design and Build
drawing detail report contains detailed study and calculation analysis of each
type of construction with reference to the design criteria and concepts approved
by the ITRA and in case of any change in design criteria or concepts must be
reported and re-submitted to the ITRA for approval.
(3) Design and Build Drawings details are submitted progressively according to the
stages and sequence of the construction requirements in the field.
(4) Other completeness in the Design and Build Drawings detail report includes:
- Detailed calculation of the structure of each type of construction;
- Detail Design and Build Drawings;
- Calculation of work volume;
- Working methods;
- General Technical Specifications;
- Special Technical Specifications; and
- Standard procedures of work and job performance.
(5) The Design and Build Drawings details report is approved by the head of the
Design Consultant of the DB Contractor and submitted to the TRBE by first
checking by the Independent Cheker (if required). Periodically the TRBE must
report detail drawings of Design and Build Drawings to the ITRA.

Construction Implementation
The stages of construction implementation are the stages in which the Builder Contractor
undertakes construction on the basis of a detailed document of Design and Build
Drawings including the General Technical Specification and the Specific Technical
Specification which has been approved by the CM Consultant. The implementation
process of construction shall be regulated with the following conditions:
a) Preparation for Implementation of Work
The Builder Contractor (BC) prepares the implementation of each work to be
carried out covering, working drawings, material specifications, work methods,
work quality control methods and Safety and Security standards. Includes
equipment and readiness of the worker either the implementation part or the
internal controlling part of the BC. The document will be examined by the CM
Consultant how far the readiness for the implementation of SOP for each job can be
fulfilled and the adequacy of ROW land availability.
b) Implementation of Construction Works
After the preparation of the work performed, the Builder Contractor (BC) will carry
out the work in accordance with the Design and Build Drawings Detail and with the

86 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

SOP or working method approved by the CM Consultant. The BC will undertake
the implementation of the construction under supervision and quality control
carried out internally by the DB Contractor i.e Supervision Consultant, whereas the
CM consultant will ensure that the implementation procedures and quality control
processes run in accordance with the specified standards and specifications, assist
in coordination for the smooth running of the work, as technical Advisor, Quality
Assurance and time control to achieve the target implementation time. The IQA
Consultant in this case serves to evaluate the potential for delays, evaluate quality
management systems, work procedures, and fulfillment of implementation
c) Design Adjustment on the Field
In the process of construction implementation in case of problems or special
requests it is necessary to adjust the design by the DB Contractor (Design Consult)
in accordance with the field conditions and targets to be achieved for this
consultant The CM Consultant will conduct a field inspection to ensure the
necessary adjustment of design due to the problem. The Design Consultant of DB
Contractor have to make the necessary detail design drawings including with the
technical justification.
If the design revision is minor i.e. design adjustment which has no impact on the
alignment and the ROW plan, then the inspection and approval of the design
adjustment draw will be done at the level of the CM Consultant and the TRBE.
When the design adjustment is major i.e. changes that affect the alignment and
ROW plan then the examination and approval will be done up to the level of the
ITRA. The IQA Consultant in this case will conduct evaluation and coordination to
ensure the level of handling of such design adjustments.
d) Work Supervision
The supervision of the day-to-day work will be performed internally by the Service
Provider supervisor and externally by the CM Consultant that the outcome of the
work is in accordance with the objective of compliance with the technical
requirements and quality achievements, Time, Cost and meeting the safety, security
and environment requirements.
e) Work Quality Control
Prior to the commencement of work, the Contractor shall communicate the quality
requirements of the work as set forth in the terms of the service user.
Implementation of quality control will be done starting from material quality, mix
(job mix), until the work process so that expected result of end of work quality can
be achieved. The results of testing and evaluation of the quality of work shall be
recorded and the quality control provisions of each work shall be stipulated in the
Specifications under internal control by the Service Provider's supervisor and
externally by the CM Consultant. The IQAC will ensure quality control procedures

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 87
work well. Reports of quality control results of each work are reported to the ITRA
and the IQAC as the ITRA representatives in the field.
f) Reporting
All activities ranging from design detail, progress and quality control of
construction implementation and adjustment of design on site occurring
periodically should be reported to the ITRA. Periodic reports of such construction
activities made by the service provider are examined by the CM consultant and
approved by the TRE to be submitted to the ITRA. The report on the execution of
the work is not limited to the periodic report but does not rule out the existence of a
special report as necessary.
g) Discussion on Addendum Scope of Work
The TRBE may conduct deliberations and negotiations with the ITRA on changes
in the scope of work on the basis of design changes and construction results for
report in the scope of addendum.

3) Post Construction
Hand Over
Hand over of work will be done after all work has been completed. The terms of hand
over of the work are regulated as follows:
Provisional Hand Over (PHO)
a) After the construction completed or completing progress at least 98%, the Builder
Contractor may request for Provisional Hand Over to the TRBE.
b) The CM Consultant will facilitate the process of handover of work by making the
schedule and stages of the first handover process or provisional hand over (PHO).
Tthe stages of the process is as follows:
- Establishment of the Hand Over committee by the TRBE;
- Coordination meeting of the work hand over committee to arrange the division
of tasks in the examination process both administrative and physical field;
- The committee makes the first visit to examine and record defects and
deficiencies (defect and deficiencies) of work, commissioning test, or testing
- The Service Provider performs repair improvements as well as defect and
deficiencies findings;
- The second visit of the job-handling committee to ensure defects and
difficulties have been completed;
- The Committee issues the Provisional Hand Over (PHO) Report in which the
Contractor remains responsible for fulfilling the completeness or deficiency in
the functional and operational feasibility process; and
- The Builder Contractor shall perform maintenance of all toll road constructions
during the maintenance period in accordance with the Contract of Agreement
with the TRBE.

88 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

c) The DBC must submit the handover document in the form of:
- Drawing of Implementation Result (As Built Drawing);
- Work quality control report;
- Manual of road maintenance, bridge and facilities and toll road equipment; and
- Photo/video project.
The report is submitted in hard copy and soft copy.

Assesment Function and Operation

After completion of the construction, there will be an assessment of the feasibility of
Toll road function and operation by the ITRA to meet minimum service standard of
Toll Road. Function and operational feasibility also involves the Ministry of Transport/
DG Land Transportation and the Traffic Police Corps associated with road safety
standards and roads.


To support the planned toll road as the back bone of the economy can be realized
and operational, it is necessary to apply the integrated design and build delivery method in
order to realize the project completion time faster. From the description that has been
presented, it can be concluded that the implementation guidance has presented the basic in
the implementation of the integrated construction design and build in accordance with
existing regulation, it is seen in the following:
1) design and build scheme, together with the authorities, duties and responsibilities of
each party in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.
2) The stages of the design and build implementation process in these implementation
guidelines provide an overview of the working mechanisms of stakeholders involved in
toll road development projects with design schemes in Indonesia.
Hopefully, these implementation guidelines can serve as the basis for the
construction of toll roads in accordance with the provisions of the Toll Road Concession
Agreement. So, it can provide certainty of process and procedure with the fulfillment of all
technical requirements of toll road according to the prevailing technical regulations.
This implementation guideline is an initial guideline procedures for accompanying
the implementation of the integrated design and build delivery model in toll road
construction project in Indonesia. It is still necessary to observe continuously to improve
both its own implementation guidelines as well as the technical regulations that become its
reference. Thus the implementation of the design and build delivery method of toll roads in
Indonesia may receive optimum benefits, not only accelerate the project completion time
but also other benefits as well as the best practices that have been applied in developed

Standard Operating Procedures of The Integrated Design and Build (Slamet Muljono and Hardy P. Siahaan) 89

Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol. 2018. Monitoring Progress Konstruksi Jalan Tol Indonesia.
Design-Build Institute of America. 2012. Design-Build: Revolutionizing Project Delivery,
“Integration is Our Foundation". pp 16-17. Washington, DC 20004.
Mega Trust Link. 2017. Penyusunan SOP Design and Build pada Proyek Pembangunan
Jalan Tol. Jakarta: Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan
Perumahan Rakyat.
Thomopulos, G.G., P.E., FACEC. 2005. Design-Build: Risks or Rewards for The Consulting
Engineer? FIDIC Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT.

90 Jurnal HPJI Vol. 4 No. 2 Juli 2018: 77-90

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