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If you are coming to Chiclayo, I will give you a few advices so you won´t become

a crime victim.
First you should stay in a well renown hotel, so you don´t worry for any burglar
entering your room and taking your money, clothes or other value stuff. If you
are on a thigh budget speak with the clerk of the hotel or motel and tell them to
store your goods on a safe place.
If you are visiting a museum or an archeological site, go to a tourist agency first,
they will provide you with a guide, transportation, typical food from the region
and information of the city, of course it will cost a little more than going alone
but it’s safer and you won´t have to carry a great quantity of money with you.
Finally, if you are not familiar with the city past 10 p.m. it could be dangerous
going out to the city alone. Always go out in a group if you want to enjoy the night
life of Chiclayo and always mobilize with a car from a Taxi agency, it’s the safer
way to travel around the city.
Good Luck and enjoy your visit.

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