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Gazo, Bienna M.


1. Is the video related to the Philippine Educational set-up? How?

Yes, because the students, teachers as well as the administrator looks like
the fish in the quotation.

2. What does the video implicate?

A. Administrators- gives a lot of works to the teacher. Sometimes they
forgot that the teachers are also human that need to rest.
B. Teachers- suffered the most because they are having a hard time in
implementing the curriculum because the Instructional materials are
not enough.
C. Students- looks like a robot. They are being controlled and
manipulated by the curriculum.

3. What can we do to address these issues?

We should value more the knowledge than the grades. As a teacher and
administration, we should encourage and help the students to work
together and build unity and support them in every phase of their life.

a. I’ve learned that Intelligence doesn’t have a single definition, for Piaget’s ,
Intelligence is an adaptive thinking or action. They also discussed about
the 2 Major Principle of Cognitive Development Theory which are the
Adaptation and Organization. Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon states that
children who might profit from remedial instruction.

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