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1. // represents integer division of---------- 2//3=8 and ** represents power of.

2. For string either use '' or "" but

case 1: print('naveen's laptop')=error

case 2: print('naveen\'s laptop')=naveen's laptop

3. If you use '' outside then it is fine to use '' inside"" and vice versa.

case1: print('naveen "laptop"')=naveen "laptop"

case2: print("naveen's laptop")=naveen's laptop

4. Underscore ('_') represents previous output

case: x=2 , y=3


_ +y=14

5. If a variable stores a string then, we can access arrays also

case1: name='ashish'


case2: If negative integer is used then, the element's counting starts from right
to left----------ashish(-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1)


6. For printing more than one element of a string array then we use --- name[a:b]=where
a is starting element postion and b is how many elements have to be printed starting from

case1: name[0:3]='ash'

case2: name[2:4]='hi'
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case3: name[2:]='hish'

case4: name[:3]='ash'

case5: name[2:10]='hish'

7. If we want to replace some elements of string 'ashish' , it is NOT possible in the

following manner----- name[0]='b'

But we can do it by cancatenating it like ---


8. Functions--------------

a. len= to know the string lenght of a variable

9. Lists------- Same as arrays

 can contain same types of elements

 can contain different types of elements

 a list can contain two or more lists as well





10. Function used in lists:-


 append=used to extend the list by adding elements in the last of the list



 insert=used to add element in between the list.

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num.insert(2,5) where 2 is the index and 5 the element to be



 remove=used to remove an element from the list



 pop=used to remove elemets from the list when index no. is given



If no index no. is given then, the last element will be removed

using pop function

 del=used to delete more than one element from the list

del num[2:4]


 extend=used to add more than one element in the list



 min=used to find out the minimum value in the list


 max=used to find the maximum value in the list

 sum=used to find the sum of all the elements of the list


 sort=used to sort the elements of the list in ascending order

 count=used to count the occurance of an element

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11. Tuple :-

It is used when an user wants that the elements can not be changed. Instead of
square brackets , small brackets are used

12. Set:-

Set is same as lists but it does not follow any specific order. { } are used to represent
set. A set does not support duplicate values.

13. Use help() to get documentation of python.

14. Data Types:----------------------------------It can be checked using type(variable):-

 None--------- when the data type of the variable is not defined

 Numeric---------------

1. int=1,2,3

2. float=1.2,3.4

3. complex=3+5j

4. bool(boolean) = bool=b<k, it gives true or false

*if only the int part of a variable is to be used then use int(variable)

*to convert int into floatt type, use float(variable)

*to convert any no. into complex form , use complex(variable)

 lists

 tuple

 set

 string

 range---reprentation= range(10)=(0,10)

*to print the elements of range , use lists(range(10))

 dictionary-----------
In dictionary , an element is represented by its key
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d[‘ashish’]=’honor’ or d.get(‘ashish’)=’honor’
*we use curley brackets in dictionary because the keys cannot be same and we know
that the elements of sets donot repeat.

15. Functions used for number system conversion:--------

a) bin function = used to covert decimal into binary

*here 0b is used to specify that the given no. is in binary format.
If a binary no. is to be converted into decimal then , simply type 0b1100 and the
output will be 12
b) oct function = used to convert decimal into octal
oct(25)=0o31 , where 0o represents that the given no. is in octal format
c) hex function = used to convert decimal into hexadecimal
hex(25)=0x19 , where 0x represents hexadecimal

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