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Before I start, congratulations Mr. Trump on your election win.

If a majority of the Americans believe

that you are the best choice then I hope that they're right.

Honestly, I feel disappointed and sad because of the results. Neither of the candidates are perfect but
apparently money is everything. Yes, I'm aware that in terms of economics, Trump has the upperhand
and that may be the reason why he was favorited amongst the other candidates. But running a country
isn't like running a company, money isn't the number one priority, it's the people. Throughout his life,
Trump had been known for his sexist and racist remarks. He's a man convicted of sexual assault and he's
a man who shares the same temper management with a spoiled 5 year old. He wants to build a wall
between Mexico and the United States of America and make the Mexicans pay for said wall, but when
meeting the president of Mexico, he didn't even dare to bring the topic up. He's a man who
discriminates gender and race. He wants to ban Muslims from America because he believes that
Muslims are terrorists. Quoting a campaign press release "Donald J. Trump is calling for a complete and
total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out
what the hell is going on."

Oh and let's not forget that he's about to go to trial for a child rape case. You heard me, Donald Trump is
going to trial for the alleged rape of a 13 year old girl.

It's not that I'm a total Hillary supporter, but I believe that she would have been the better choice
between both of them. The only reason that Trump was voted for president was because he was
running against her. If only the Democratic Party had elected Bernie Sanders as their candidate, Trump
wouldn't stand a chance.

Let's move on and talk about his vice president, the senator of Indiana, Mike Pence. Don't get me wrong,
but he's just as bad as Trump. For a quick insight on what he's like, he jailed a woman for having a
miscarriage and proposed to electrocute gay boys in hopes of them becoming straight again.

I have a friend in America and she's 100% American. She's a Catholic and she's white. When she heard
about the results, she texted me, crying. She's scared of her safety because of Trump. I can't imagine
how the immigrants, POC, LGBTQ, and Muslims feel right now.

So congratulations America, I hope that you could become great again with those two as the two most
powerful men in America
Let's move on and talk about his vice president, the senator of Indiana, Mike Pence. Don't get me wrong,
but he's just as bad as Trump. For a quick insight on what he's like, he jailed a woman for having a
miscarriage and proposed to electrocute gay boys in hopes of them becoming straight again.

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