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Born in Italy on May 3, 1469, he was a diplomat, official, political philosopher

and Italian writer, considered the father of modern political science.1 He was also a

relevant figure of the Italian Renaissance. In 1513 he wrote his treatise on political

doctrine entitled The Prince, posthumously published in Rome in 1531.

Machiavelli had a lifetime dedicated to politics, he held public office in the

period between 1494 and 1512, his great intelligence and understanding of political

science led him to visit several courts in France and Germany, as well as many other

Italian cities in missions diplomatic

However, his career was marked by the departure and restitution of the Medici

to the political power of Florence. In 1512 he was dismissed and imprisoned, due to

conspiracy theories against said family, once released he was exiled from Florence,
retired to a small village where he earned his living as a worker, during this time he

dedicated himself body and soul to the literature, it is at this time that "The Prince" is

born, his most important work, he sent a replica of the work to the Medici, who rejected


Finally, he died in Florence, on June 22, 1522, because of acute peritonitis, at the

young age of 58 years, ironically it is said that the formula for the Medici regaining

power and managed to maintain it was in said work, however they decided to read it

when it was too late for their monarchy, the work was published after the death of

Machiavelli, "The Prince", is still considered the basis of public law and politics as it is


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