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J Zaryna Urbina Journal #1 ‘When I finish school I want to make a difference by helping young kids and people who can’t care for themselves. I want to volunteer my time in different charities, hearing other peoples stories of their life and how they’re getting through it. I believe if you give back to your community many things could change for you and the people you're helping. These young kids may have lost their parents, home and anywhere they thought they knew. By me helping the community it helps create a strong neighborhood for the kids and even the parents. There are many different charities young people, my age could help on when they have breaks or anytime. ‘You're able to help with serving food to people without homes, or just donating can foods for people who can’t afford food, among many other things with helping. Communicating with different people about their life stories could change someone’s mind set on how they see the world. Seeing how difficult it could be for someone and so easy for someone else is crazy, because the people who have everything they wanted you don’t really see them giving back. People nowadays take everything for granted, and see everything small. They believe that they deserve everything, while these people struggling only want what they need to survive. They make something out of nothing, they are able to only receive altle | cei but in end it means the world to them. Ifmore people give back to their community “\" 9. you are able to make connections with people who need it. You're able to help es them and give them something that they can’t receive on their own. You listening \o\ Q~ to someone's day or about their problems could really change their life, you could \ Som possibly save their life with the comments you made. One small comment about \7- how they will get through the situation or even how much they mean to someone Ss would change them for life completely. Words and actions are the 2 main ways to show someone they care, by helping your community and giving back shows everyone that you care. It shows people the kind of person you are, you care for everyone and want to make a difference in the world. Not many of us really care about the world we live on, many of us litter, don’t pick up after ourselves, and many more. We destroy the world we called home day after day, not caring what its doing. We see people struggling but not caring to help them, if we are able too. ‘There's many reasons we do what we do, but not enough excuses to make not to help. Everyday if we slowly change our ways and help at least once a day, or clean up the world day by day our world will be clear with people in help, cleared of the dirty world we have. More of us need to contribute to helping people, helping the In the end its will all helps us and change our minds on what we believe in.

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