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Gerlin Cruz

Gerlin Cruz

Emily Litle

English Composition 121.002

March 29, 2019

Class participation

To learn, mainly for someone who is from another language I consider that one of the

most important things is participation, because by participating you can practice what you hear

and see in class, you can also clarify doubts or share ideas with others. Participating is not just

talking in class, it is also listening attentively while the other speaks, helping the partner that

needs something, presenting your tasks, among other things.

There are many factors that can prevent or diminish the participation of the student in the

class, mainly external factors such as using the phone in classes, social networks, chat, games,

etc. talks during the class, for this point it is important to highlight that it is good to share ideas

with the partner, and even speak at a time when an activity is not developing, but at the moment

where the teacher is talking about a topic or one of the classmate is necessary to pay attention

and try to learn something. Another factor that prevents the optimal development of your

activities in classes, is to sleep in classes or be exhausted, personally when I am tired it is more

difficult to me understand English, I cannot pay the necessary attention and English is not my

first language reason why I need be focus to understand, so it is important to rest enough to be

ready for the class.Another factor that is very common in the classes, and that prevents us from

participating, is the lack of interest in what is being talked about, when you are not interested in

the class or the subject under discussion, you simply put a barrier between you and what is

happening to the around.

Gerlin Cruz

In this class, I have learned a lot and my English level has improved, for this reason I try

to pay as much attention as possible to what my teacher says, I have had errors in my paper, but I

have always done the required activities individually and with my classmate, for this reason I

think that my participation in classes has been good and in my opinion I deserve a good final


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