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As a Dental Hygiene practitioner, my greatest concern is for the well-being of my

patients. As a healthcare provider, I perform an important role in my community, just as every

one of my patients has a unique purpose to fulfill. I believe in practicing with a wellness

philosophy heavily influenced by patient autonomy, individualized care and the latest scientific

evidence. I am fortunate to have continuing education and exposure to the latest research

regarding the oral-systemic link, and it is my duty to educate my patients by incorporating the

latest evidence into individualized dental health recommendations. If one person is educated

and motivated toward improving the circumstances of his or her existence, it most certainly has

ripple effects reaching into the community. It is my goal to instill healthy dietary and hygiene

habits with multi-generational impact. My operatory will always be a welcoming place free of

judgement and assumption. I will thoroughly and methodically assess and document every

patient interaction. When issues arise outside my scope of practice, I will collaborate

interprofessionally for the betterment of my patients. I honor the varied norms and traditions

held by my patients, and vow to never minimize the importance of these, or the influence these

have on nutrition and systemic health. It is in my nature to seek out and probe the latest trends

and scientific advancements transferrable into my practice. I look forward to celebrating every

small step toward making positive, healthy lifestyle changes. I am there to listen to my patients

when they have setbacks or obstacles. In these times, I am there to formulate a dental action

plan on behalf of the patient, especially in instances where mental or physical decline is

inevitable. It is my mission to give my patients the keys to their own wellness, and to always

strive toward delivering the facts necessary for arriving at informed decisions about dental care

and sensible nutritional modifications.

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