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Desire Espinoza

Senior English 1

Ms. Figueroa

12 April 2018

The Reality of Pro-Choice

Many women are put in a position where they must decide what to do with their growing

fetus. An abortion procedure is an option to those women who are not ready. An abortion is a

procedure where a woman is ending her pregnancy before it can survive outside the uterus. Pro-

Choice abortion is an option, where woman have a choice about their own body, whether it is

either keeping the fetus alive or not. Pro-Choice supporters believe that woman have the right to

do abortions because they have legal rights, can be in a bad situation, or having financial

problems. In the United States abortion was recognized in 1973, when there was a judicial

involvement. In the judicial involvement it was named Roe V. Wade, it was possible to legalize

safe abortions. Since this decision came to light it has been legalized all over the U.S., it has

dramatically impacted many women It has been a very long period of time since abortion been

an issue. Many Pro-Life supporters are against Pro-Choice supporters because they go against

their beliefs.

In addition, many against Pro-Choice believe that abortion should not happen no matter

the circumstances. Pro-Life believe that innocent lives are being taken away that it is murder.

That it goes against their religious beliefs, and it is an unsafe procedure. Based on the

background of abortion. I strongly believe that it will continue to be a social issue. It may take

many protests for this topic to be more of a broad topic. Many women feel highly affected

because of other opinions. Many Pro-Choice believers such as myself will continue to be against
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Pro-Life believers, because of their opinions and what they think is right and wrong. Many

people are stubborn and will not be persuaded to believe in something else, like told before it

will take a composed generation to make abortions either positive when brought up or negative.

Abortion affects the woman’s morals, they have by making a choice of getting rid of a growing

fetus. If I had the power to change the way abortion was seen, I would persuade those against it

that every woman has the right and freedom to decide what they want to do with their body. In

other people eyes and opinion, it will be seen as murder but if a child cannot be well taken care

of, why should it enter the world with hate and disappointment. No child should receive that type

of welcoming when being brought into the world. Once a new life enters this world it should be

praised and those around it should be able to have the mentality that things will be okay within

themselves and their baby. In addition, I would convince communities to stop being against it,

and to try to consider their outcome and what is going on in their life. Many families do not have

the opportunities that others receive. For example, not every household can support a new =born

or have time to nurture one. No woman should be ashamed within their community because of

their decision. Woman were given the right to do what they want with their body, and they

should not be looked down upon. No woman should be judged from their choices, when it is also

benefiting the unborn fetus not just themselves. Especially because many women have their own

life problems going on such as, having their own rights on deciding what to do with their

growing fetus, being in an abusive relationship, and can possibly have a financial problem.

Many women deserve the freedom everyone else has, even when it comes to deciding on

abortion. Woman have the right to freedom of choice. Many Pro-Choice believers believe that

woman have their own choice on their own reproductive activity. Every woman gives men

consent on what they are going to do, one way or another it was both of their choices to do their
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actions and they knew the potential consequences. Everyone is allowed and given the right to do

what they please within their boundaries. According to Anderson, “A woman’s ability to control

her own reproductive activity is a fundamental right that impacts every aspect of her life.” This

quote represents that woman have the right to freedom, by proving that they can do what they

want with their own body. There choices will not only affect the mother but the fetus too.

Furthermore, woman get to have the freedom of choice, it is given to them by being born in the

United States. The United State laws have given the right to all woman to have a choice no

matter the circumstances given. “… a wide variety of laws were enacted by states that place

restrictions on the ability of woman to obtain an abortion.” (Medoff) It supports that there are

laws to get abortions, and that woman have the right to get one. Not only do others support the

woman and their decision but so does their government. If their government can accept their

decisions, then no one should be embarrassed or mortified when giving consent to do the

procedure. It is one thing for the government to accept it but another for the women’s

community. Woman may want the acceptance of others and their families, if they do not receive

the support many problems can occur with their mentality and he fetus. Many must accept and

understand that no matter what their opinions are, woman will do what they think is right for

themselves, and their fetus.

There are many women who are not ready to have a newborn, they have their own

personal reason for it. For example, these women may not be able to afford a newborn. When

having a newborn there are expenses that come along with it. Such as medical bills, prenatal

vitamins, an ultrasound, clothing it, feeding it and much more. “… important factors women

consider when choosing whether or not to undergo an abortion: financial instability or debt …”

(Anderson) in this quote it supports that woman take into consideration about their future for
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themselves and the fetus. Many women are just starting to learn how to deal with their finances,

being financially instable can cause harm to a baby with all the stress going with the mother.

Woman cannot predict how they will be financially in the future, a future mother will only be

causing harm to themselves, whether it is physically or mentally. When being pregnant it is

healthier for the fetus to be stress free, when the woman is under a lot of pressure the baby is

under a lot of pressure too and it is slowly getting hurt. Woman come into this world not

knowing their future problems, but they learn throughout life that they will slowly learn what

will cause struggle. Woman have the choice to decide what is right or wrong for themselves.

Many women think having a newborn will be a struggle for themselves and their families. “…

Woman and struggling families caught in complex and tragic situations.” (Schlaback) This

proves that not every woman comes from wealth and in a good living environment. Every

woman has different lifestyles and their own life struggles. With these life problems many will

not consider keeping the fetus. Each individual woman will have different reasons not to have

the fetus. All in all, woman will decide what is best for their unborn child.

All over the United States there are different types of situations, even when it comes to

abortion. Woman may get an abortion procedure because of their relationship with the significant

other. Many men might not be ready and leave, or men could be hurting the soon to be mother.

The two could be in an abusive relationship and put the baby in harm. “… Problems with

spouses or boyfriends all affect a woman’s decision to become a mother” (Anderson) Women

should not be stuck in a bad, harmful situation. Men can cause harm to the fetus if continuing to

hurt the mother while being pregnant. Men may not want the fetus, they will continue hurting the

mother till it has passed on its own. Future mothers must be mentally and physically healthy to

give birth. Under any other circumstances it will harm the mother and fetus. “… The value of the
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life of the mother supersedes the nonhuman fetus and there is a moral obligation to the living.”

(Medoff) This quote explains that the mother’s wellbeing comes first before the unliving. The

mother is alive, she should not bring a new form of life if she is not stable to do so. There are

many possibilities why women should get an abortion procedure. It will not suit them in their

lifestyle. They might not want to be alone during their pregnancy experience. There are just so

many possibilities.

Those whom oppose of the abortion procedure may state that the reason is that it is

murder, and it will be taking an innocent life. Pro-Life believers believe that once you are

pregnant the woman should not consider an abortion. They believe that it is murder and should

be convicted of it. “Opponents of abortion argue that life begins at conception and that abortion

is akin to murder since the fetus is a person with the same legal and moral rights as a ‘living

person’” (Medoff) This is proof of what Pro-Life believers, believe is true, they think is wrong to

end a life, no matter the circumstance. The fetus has rights to continue living in the womb.

Woman do not think if the fetus will feel pain, when its life is being sucked out. The fetus is in

the process of developing, future mothers do not consider the fetuses’ emotions. “It’s a shocking

thing when you come to the realization of what they’re doing and how many women are

maimed, let alone the kids that are killed.” (Munson) Pro-Lifers think the fetus is capable of

feeling and understanding what is going on. They believe the fetus is innocent and does not

deserve to be murdered by its own birth mother. Innocent lives are being considered to be taken

away from this earth, sometimes ending it is not the best option. Many believe in other solutions,

rather than giving up on an innocent fetus and killing it.

Pro-Life believers are sometimes strongly committed to their religion. Many would do

anything to not go against their religious beliefs. One of the many religious beliefs is protection
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of a life. Many believers that a life should not be taken away simply because they do not want it.

“…held regard for the ‘sanctity of life’” (Medoff) in some religious beliefs they believe in a

sanctuary, that each child should be saved. Many Pro-Lifers believe that life should not be taken

away. Religious beliefs also believe that an unborn fetus can feel the abortion procedure. “Every

bit of pain, just like we feel, they feel, you know while you’re slicing and dicing and sucking …”

(Munsun) this quote explains how the fetus must feel during the procedure. It is unfair to put an

unborn baby under these emotions. Once the fetus is in that stage it should be considered as any

other being. If it can feel everything that is going on, should it really be right to have this

procedure legal. Lastly, no future mother should be going against her and the family’s religious


Many would see where Pro-Life believers come from, but many must understand that

woman have rights and freedom to decide. Not all woman can save all innocent lives while they

are destroying their own. Woman can have the child, and, in a few years, they could pass away

simply because she was not mentally or physically ready to give birth. Pro-Choice believers will

both agree that they are causing harm to the fetus, but they believe to put the mother first rather

than the newborn. In other words, woman need to decide on their own, they are the ones giving

birth or not, whether they are going against their religious beliefs.

Society needs to accept abortion as a choice, because they have legal rights, can be in an

abusive relationship, and can have financial problems. Every woman is born with rights and

freedom, they should take advantage of it. Many women cannot stay in a toxic relationship while

trying to raise a newborn. Not many women have the luxury to be able to afford a newborn,

which is why they consider the abortion procedure. Many of those against Pro-Choice need to

comprehend that every woman is their own person with a voice and opinion.
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Work Cited

Anderson, Tim. Point: The Right to Safe and Legal Abortion. EBSCO, 31 Sept. 2016.

Medoff, Marshall. “Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life: The Relationship Between State Abortion

Policy and Child Well-Being in the United States.” Health Care for Women International,

vol. 37, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 158–169. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/07399332.2013.841699

Munson, Ziad W. The Making of Pro-Life Activists How Social Movement Mobilization Works.

University of Chicago Press, 2010.

Schlabach, Gerald W. “Abortion & Social Justice. (Cover Story).” Commonweal, vol. 144, no. 1,

Jan. 2017, pp. 11–13. EBSCOhost,

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