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Sylvia Hernandez


English II


Parent Child Relationships

A relationship between a child and a parent; the most loving and difficult one of them all. The
communication, boding, and protectiveness of a parent are irreplaceable. Although as parents just want
what’s best for their child they will have disagreements. At times a child believes that they only want to
“control” what they do but parents are wiser and know more about life than their child does. Over time
studies have proven that relationships between a parent and child have developed over time and some
would say that it’s the “complete opposite” of what it used to be. It seems that everything changed and
has taken a complete turn, and not for the better.

In the time of the renaissance, kids had more respect for their parents as parents worked less and spent
more time with them. As in Much Ado About Nothing Leonato and Hero have a close and loving
relationship. Parents back then expected their kids to love them and today in the 21st century parents
will do almost anything to ensure their kids love them. Back then parents were also more lenient, kids
spent more time outdoors and missed less school while staying out of trouble. Even as adults they
became less dependent on parents and spent even more time away from them. Relationships in these
days had been built on respect, love and trust with nothing less.

However, in our time parent child relationships are different from Shakespeare’s time. In today’s
generation children are more dependent on parents even as adults and don’t have much respect for
them even then.

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