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As a whole, I believe we have some review we need to do.

The subjects students had most

trouble with were subtraction and division, but addition could use a little revisiting as well.

Juan is doing well across the board – he missed absolutely nothing on this quiz. Cody is doing
well across the board, as well. The only question he missed was an addition question, and he
could have been just off. Jack also did pretty well – he could use a little work around the board.
He missed a question in every category.

Luke did the poorest out of the class scoring a 33%. He will be one of the students I will make
sure gets extra practice with almost everything. There wasn’t much variation or equality with
what he missed versus what he got right when it comes to the problem types. The same goes
for Sarah and Claire, who earned the same grade of 53% but missed different questions. They
will need to revisit mostly everything because there wasn’t a sure pattern in their answers
about them not catching on specifically to one thing or another.

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