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100 Calorie Snacks for Kids 

(1) 5 ritz crackers (60 calories)   

with 1 slice of American cheese  (9) 1 cutie (30 calories) with 30 
(45 calories)  pretzel sticks (60 calories) 
(2) 2 cups popcorn (50 calories)  (10) 6 oz low fat yogurt (100 
mixed with 2 Tablespoons  calories)  
craisins (50 calories)   
  (11) 2 tablespoons hummus (70 
(3) 1 rice cake (40 calories) with  calories) with 7 baby carrots 
2 teaspoons of peanut butter  (30 calories) 
(60 calories)   
  (12) Large pickle (30 calories) 
(4) 8 tortilla chips (60 calories)  with 10 Quaker Cheddar Popped 
with ¼ cup salsa (20 calories)   Rice Crisps (70 calories) 
(5) 1 small apple (60 calories)  (13) String cheese (80 calories) 
with 1 tablespoon of strawberry  with 1 cup of sliced cucumber 
cream cheese (40 calories)  (10 calories)  
(6) 1 banana (120 calories)  
(7) ½ cup berries (45 calories) 
with 25 goldfish crackers (65 
(8) 17 grapes (60 calories) with 2 
oz of cottage cheese (40 calories) 

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