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Practice Lesson #6 – Paiute Legend Song

Teacher Name: Mr. Prall

Objective: Students will identify that the song played by the teacher (Paiute Legend Song)
is in a pentatonic key. Then students will work on their ability to hear intervals with the
interval game.

Materials of Instruction:
 Paiute Legend Song sheet music
 Marimba
 Colored tape

Lesson Sequence:

Activity #1 Objective: Students will hear Paiute Legend Song, attempt to identify the piece,
then if it’s in a pentatonic key or not.
T: Tells class to listen to song and try to identify the tune
T: Plays Paiute Legend Song on marimba
S: Attempt to guess the tune
T: Offer hints and guidance based on how well the students are guessing
T: Tell students if they were right or wrong, then reveal the piece
T: Asks class to listen again and attempt to determine if the piece is in a pentatonic scale or not
S: Guess and teacher tallies
T: Reveal that it IS pentatonic, then discuss why

Assessment: Were the students able to determine if Paiute Legend Song is pentatonic? If
not, are they aware of why it is?

Activity #2 Objective: Students will play the interval game and attempt to improve their
ability to guess intervals.
T: Introduces interval game: Pentatonic “Do-La” solfege syllables are placed throughout room in
squares of tape. Students start on “Do.” Teacher plays “Do” and then another note in the
pentatonic scale and students then move from “Do” to what they believe is the correct note.

S: Play interval game

T: Starts with simpler intervals and then moves on to more difficult intervals with intention of
students being able to identify the more difficult intervals in the end.

Assessment: Did they class show improvement in identifying intervals?

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