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Noah Neel

Mrs. Cramer

Comp 1 Period 8

26 Feb. 2019

I feel the most content at the Pitt soccer field and high school field. I like to go to both

Pitts and the high school’s field by myself, or with a group of friends, or go practice. I try to go

to Pitt every day when possible as I like going because that it helps me clear my mind. I also go

there and improve on my skills for the soccer. The things I work on is my shooting, speed,

dribbling, defending, and stamina. I usually spend a good two or more hours there, every time

I’m there. My favorite time to practice is in the evening, because it’s usually cool and I like the

scene it provides with the sunset. I like the memories I made at Pitt too, especially the ones I

made with some of my friends. One memory that stands out is when we got my friend Thomas

Anderson to come and play, even though he had no prior experience of playing soccer. However,

we still had a good time though. Another memory I had was practicing my volleys with Colton

Swanson. I enjoyed this was due to my form being bad, which provided a good laugh.

For the high school, I enjoy playing on the turf because of the surface and how nice the

field is. This is my second favorite field and one reason I like it is because it has a track where I

could do some long distance running to help better my stamina and speed. My favorite is

practicing at night, because I like how the field looks at night with the lights shining compared to

the night sky. When it comes to my practices, I always have a good time and leave with having

learned something new. One of my favorite memories of all time is when I scored my first goal

in my last 8th grade home game. I even remember hearing the ball roll in the back of the net and

how everyone the team was getting excited after I scored.

One thing I like about both fields is the sound of the ball when I shoot the ball and it rolls

into the net or when I hit the crossbar. Also, about both fields each time it provides time for me

to learn a new skill to learn. Every time I go down each experience is different. So, to restate if

I’m by myself, or with a group of friends, I enjoy spending my time down at these places.

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