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Student task: 

● Open the link to today’s google sheet and find the column with the information 
you have chosen to look at. 
● Open the link to StatKey and find the “Edit Data” button.  
● Copy and paste your topic’s data into this edit data window. (You will have to 
press enter after every number to put them all on separate rows) 
● Change the display setting to Histogram. 
● Find the Padlet link on the moodle page, and answer the questions that 
correspond to your topic with your group. 
● When you are done answering, look over what your partner group (the group with 
the same data) got for their answers and see how they compare. 


1. What is the mean and standard deviation of your data set? 

2. What are the values of height in which 95% of your data falls? 

3. If a person was 78 inches tall, what is this person's associated standard deviation value? 

*Since Powtoons only allows 3 minute videos, I made two*​ (Part 1)​ (Part 2) 

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