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Video Analysis 1

 Construct a response for each of following:

o What was the total number of questions asked by the teacher

during Teach 1?

o What was the average wait time between the teacher asking a
question and a student responding?

 In a brief statement, how would you characterize the discourse in this

segment? In the entire lesson?

 What missed opportunities do you see for improving the discourse in

Teach 1?

 Given the opportunity to re-teach, what would you do the same, what
would you do differently and how are your findings influencing your

**Select a 1 - 2 minute clip that you would like to share in class. The clip
could be of something that went well or something you would like to improve

During the lesson, we asked around 100 questions with the response time
ranging between around 3 seconds to 45 seconds. I think overall, there was a
good discussion, but there was a pattern of the students just guessing and
saying, “I don’t know” when asked why. The students were not really trying
because they were unsure of the answer or didn’t understand the concept.
Once we started working with the manipulatives and they understood why
fractions were equivalent, they would respond a little more enthusiastically. I
felt like there could’ve been more structure and more demonstration from us.
When we gave them time to think, we could’ve used a specific activity such
as “think, pair, share” and when using the fraction manipulatives, we
could’ve done the activity with them. We also could’ve had a discussion and
gone more in depth about common multiples instead of casually going over

If we were to re-teach, I would’ve tried to plan more activities and

opportunities for assessment. I also want to give them more examples and
not just use circles as a visual representation. I think sticking with one shape
is helpful but it will also be useful to use squares or real life applications.
Video Clip: 24:00-26:00

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