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Olivia Devenport

Allison Fernley

English 1010

29 April 2019

During this semester, I have learned an incredible amount of knowledge on the

subject of credible sources. This has been and will be a valuable learning goal that I

have met during this course. throughout the rest of my college career I will be asked to

writing papers on different subjects do that I will have the knowledge to pick a source

that have credible information that can be used. Then I can effectively write about the

topic with information that is correct. Also, this will help me in my everyday life so that

when I am reading an article I can judge if the concepts are correct or need to be fact

checked with another sources. I plan on becoming a teacher and this will be a great skill

that I can pass on to my future students that will come into my classroom. That is how

writing my papers helped me to meet the first learning goal of finding credible resources

to use in my writing.

When I was writing the papers and finding the credible sources, I was required to cite

the information in MLA format. In the above paragraph I talked about how important it is

to find a credible source to make sure that the information that you have is correct. It is

just as important to cite the sources that you used to make your ideas and concepts

credible. If I did not learn how to put them in the correct format, then my papers would
not hold as much weight as to their credibility. The will be a helpful strategy that I can

use in my future classes and career goals in the future. That is how using MLA format

correctly will be beneficial to my learning goals and college career.

Another important skill that I have learned from this class is to think critical about

different topics. This is an important life skill to have so that you are not always looking

at something one sided. You want to be a knowledgeable individual and I learned so

great skills to use in that area. I can find multiple credible sources that I can read and

understand so that I may form an educated opinion on the subject. This will be a great

skill to use personal and in my college career. As I will be faced with tough subjects that

will require me to be educated on and this skill will useful. Those are the skills that I

have learned from the learning objectives that we had at the beginning of this class that

I will be able to use in my college and personal career. .

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