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Curso 2015-
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mantenimiento y Gestión de la

Luis Pablo Gorjón Rodríguez


1. Pablo Iglesias vs. Albert Rivera

Pablo Iglesias is a Spanish young politician. He was born in Madrid in 1978 and has
become famous in recent years. He has created a new left-wing party called “Podemos”.

He studied Law and politics. Currently, he is a Professor of Politics at the Complutense

University in Madrid. He became very popular by participating in a lot of TV shows
and debates. In addition, he directed his own TV program known as La Tuerka.

He is very different to the rest of traditional Spanish politicians. Above all when it
comes to his physical appearance. He always wears his hair long and has a pony-tail and
a beard. In addition he also wears in a very informal way. He never wears suits nor ties.

One of his strong points is that he deals very well with media and that he is a great
speaker. Among his weaknesses we could point out that he always seems to be annoyed.

Albert Rivera is also a relatively newcomer to the Spanish politics realm. He was born
in Barcelona in 1979. He studied Law and after practicing some years as a lawyer for La
Caixa he devoted himself to politics. He runs a Centre Party called “Ciudadanos”,
which started as a local Catalonian party and over time (10 years as from its foundation)
turned out to be a national party.

He is considered to be a handsome, attractive politician and to wear well. He has been a

sportsman (he has won some swimming competitions in Catalonia) and is in good

In comparison with Pablo Iglesias, he seems to be more moderate and less extremist
than the leftist politician. Conversely, he seems to get much more nervous than Pablo
Iglesias in some public appearances and TV programs.

They have in common that both of them have run as candidates for the Presidency of
the Spanish Government in the past general elections, which were held in 2016. Pablo
Iglesias obtained better results and is currently the leader of the third largest political
party in Spain. On its part, “Ciudadanos” came forth in the last presidential elections.

One of the main strong points of Pablo Iglesias is that he has developed very good
communication skills. He is very much appreciated among his voters because of his
ability to fight the corruption, his respect to minorities, his argumentative skills and his
persuasiveness. However, his main flaws are arrogance and lack of sympathy. In
addition, sometimes he is reckless.

Unlike Pablo Iglesias, Albert Rivera is a much more sympathetic candidate. He is a kind
and amicable person. He is also convincing, prudent and tolerant. He is considered to be
a good orator and shows a notable leadership. His weakness is that he is not so
experienced in politics.

In any case, both politicians bring a breath of fresh air in Spanish political environment.
Surely they will continue to star politics in coming years. That said, in my opinion, in
light of the abovementioned analysis, Albert has more possibilities to go further in

2. Indiana Jones vs. Lara Croft

Indiana Jones es un personaje creado por el Director de cine, George Lucas. Cuando era
niño, me encantaban todas sus películas.

Indiana Jones es arqueólogo. También es profesor en una universidad de Nueva York y

todos los alumnos le llaman Doctor Jones. Además, es un gran aventurero. Es muy
tímido, atlético y valiente. Él siempre busca tesoros que son importantes para todo el
mundo o la humanidad. A menudo tiene que enfrentarse y luchar contra otras personas
que también buscan esos tesoros para ser ricos y hacer cosas malas al resto de la
humanidad. Indiana es alto, muy atractivo y tiene los ojos azules. Todas sus alumnas
están muy enamoradas de él. Indiana es el profesor más guapo.

Lara Croft es un personaje creado para un videojuego. Es arqueóloga y aventurera como

Indiana Jones. Lara es inglesa, ingenua, atlética y temeraria. También es alta, delgada y
muy atractiva. Es morena y tiene el pelo largo. Ella generalmente va a buscar tesoros a
países peligrosos donde hay ruinas y tumbas y tiene que averiguar acertijos y superar
trampas para conseguirlos. En sus viajes, Lara Croft encuentra a enemigos diferentes,
como gángsters, asesinos y animales salvajes.

Indiana Jones es más fuerte y más alto que Lara Croft pero Lara es más lista y rápida.
Además, Lara es más joven que Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones es el aventurero más
famoso de su época.

Indiana siempre utiliza su látigo contra sus enemigos. Lara utiliza el karate y las artes
marciales. Los dos saben usar pistolas pero no les gusta utilizarlas porque no quieren
matar a sus enemigos.

Yo nunca he visto un combate entre Lara e Indiana porque los dos son muy buenas
personas. Yo creo que si se enfrentaran en una lucha/pelea, ganaría Lara Croft. Indiana
Jones es un caballero y le gustan las chicas guapas por lo nunca haría daño a Lara. Creo
que si la conociera, se enamoraría de ella.


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