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FISH (Fluorescence in situ hybridization):


FISH is a molecular cytogenetic technique which

uses fluorescent probe which bind only to nuclei
acid. It was developed in 1980’s to detect
presence or absence of DNA sequences.
Fluorescence microscope can b used to find
where the probes are bound to. It is also used
to locate and localize RNA targets in circulating
tumor cells.

Different types of FISH:

 Single-molecule RNA FISH

 Fiber FISH
 Flow-FISH
 Hybrid fusion-FISH
Single-molecule RNA FISH:
It is also known as stellaris RNA FISH. It is
the method by which the mRNA and other
RNA are made into thin layer of tissue
sample. Targets can be imaged through
multiple short singly labeled oligonucleotide
probes. It’s assays can be performed in
simplex or multiplex can be used as a follow
up experiment to quantitative PCR. It has
applications in cancer diagnosis, neuroscience,
gene expression diagnosis and companion

Fiber FISH:
It is in alternative to interphase or
metaphase preparations. The chromosomes
in the interphase are attached to the slide
so that they are in a straight line rather
than being tightly coiled, as in conventional
FISH. Technique known as chromosome
combing is used for this purpose in many
areas. Extended confirmation of
chromosomes allows high resolution even
down to few kilobases.

Q-FISH (Quantitative FISH):

It is a cytogenetic technique based on
traditional FISH methodology. It combines
FISH with PNA’s (peptide nucleic acid) and
computer software to quantify the
intensity of fluorescence. It is routinely used
in telomere length research.

It is a cytogenetic method to quantify the
copy no of specific repeating elements in the
genome DNA. It uses flow cytometry to
perform FISH automatically using per-cell
fluorescence measurements.

It is known as micro fluidics- assisted FISH.
It uses microfluidic flow to increase DNA
hybridization efficiency, decreasing expensive

FISH probe consumption thereby reducing

the hybridization time. It is applied for
detecting the HER2 gene in breast cancer

Hybrid fusion-FISH:

It is also known as HF-FISH which uses

primary additive excitation/emission
combination of fluorophores to generate
additional spectra through a labeling process
known as dynamic optical transmission.

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