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Ethical Story:

Ethics is not just about doing the right thing, when everything is convenient. It
is about doing the right thing when it is difficult to do them.
It was my first job after graduating from the college. I was quite nervous on the
very first day because all my orientation friends were deployed in pairs but I
was deployed in a particular project.
In the project seniors and other mentor were quite rude and they were rude. I
used to remain tensed those days.
There was another trainee who was from a different batch and been hired 3
months before. However, he was also in the similar situation but somewhat
better than me as he was tolerating it for past few months.
Since we were in the same situation, so we had a common talking point and
we became good friends over time.
As we all know every company has certain policies and we need to abide by
them, not just because they are companies’ rule but they are ethical.
One day he was out of office and his password got expired. As per certain
restrictions person has to be present on the company’s network. He then
called me asking for my credentials. First I thought that it is just a password
and everyone shares it in my team so I can too share it with him. But What
everyone does is not the ethical thing to do. So I explained to him why I am not
sharing the password and offered him help by doing his part of work. I also
suggested that I can also take the manager’s approval and then may be able to
share the credential.
Initially, he didn’t take it seriously and thought that I was joking but when I
refused and said that I am serious and won’t be sharing the credentials, he was
not happy about it.
For next couple of days, he was unhappy with me because he felt I didn’t help
him but eventually he understood and he also started practising the same.
Unethical Story:
After spending few months in my role, I was comfortable with the team and also have been
able to develop a good repo with my manager. I started to feel that I belong in the team. At
that particular time one new resource came from a more considerable project and also
there were better opportunities in that project.
She and I were at the same role and designation and I was bit curious why she would have
left the project. Over the time I became acquaintance with her.
As I had the doubt other team members were thinking and contemplating that why she
could have left that project. They were thinking was something happened in that project or
was she underperforming there.
My team mates started whinging about her and developing judging her, whether she is not
good enough for that project and she doesn’t speak with anyone. She has an attitude.
But for me nothing was unusual and it was all normal. As I didn’t have any bias and any pre
conceived notion against her. We became friends as she was free to being herself without
getting judged.
Still there were members who were doing gossip for their entertainment and found it easy
to blame her for everything. When I was used to be with other team members, I also took
part in gossiping because everyone was doing it and it was convenient for me. Despite she
being my friend I did it.
This negative talks about her also started influencing my manager with whom I had a good
repo. One day casually she started conversing with me that she finds it irritating and
annoying that people talk about her behind her back.
She was my friend and I could have raised the concern with my manager about the negative
talks about her which are unactual and incorrect. As I was thinking, professionally she is my
competition in the project and I should let the things be as it is. So, I didn’t do anything.
After enduring for few months, she couldn’t take the negativity and left the project as well
as the organisation. Despite not having any other job offers.
But still we were in contact with each other. One day we met outside the office and casually
she revealed to me, that when ever she goes in her house, she just sees the fan and the
table beneath it.
Then I actually I realised that she might be under depression and I may be the part of that
Over the years her condition became better and she was able to win her fight against the

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