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World war I (1914-1918)

Patriorism or Duty?

Relationship with social life in the time poetry was made !

The Poem “Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen is a poem which wrote following his
experiences fighting in the trenches in Northern France during World War I (1914- 1918)


In 1915, 25 million men had volunteered for millitary service . The early days of the first world war
were full of enthusiasm and excitement. In 1916, Casualties grew and by January 1916 consciption
(forced enrolment in the armed service) was introduced for all single men aged 18- 41. Propaganda
likes posters, gllorified the war. Owen was rejecting the accepted attitude that fighting for your
country was glorious.

kesengsaraan dan kemiskinan karena kehancuran perang dan munculnya gerakan emansipasi wanita
dimana selama perang berlangsung wanita perannya sama dengan laki-laki yang banyak dibutuhkan
digaris depan. Pengalaman wanita-wanita ini memperkokoh perasaan sama antara wanita dan pria.

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Between 1914 and 1918, over nine million people died. Entire cities were razed to the ground.
Nations crumbled, only to be re-formed amidst political turmoil and enough bad blood to launch
another war (World War II, to be precise) a few short decades later. American troops joined the war in
1918, bringing with them the deadliest weapon yet: influenza. More people died of flu than war
Between 1914 and 1918, over nine million people died. Entire cities were razed to the ground.

Akibat yang ditimbulkan pasca Perang Dunia I di bidang sosial adalah kemiskinan dan
kesengsaraan. Disini negara-negara berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan perlengkapan, sehingga
mendorong produktivitas industri yang semakin besar. Sehingga negara menyadari semakin
dibutuhkannya buruh sebagai penyedia bahan makanan dan alat-alat lainnya. Dengan kata
lain posisi buruh mulai naik dari semula sangat rendah menjadi dihargai karena perannya
yang begitu penting. Selain itu muncul juga gerakan emansipasi wanita, dimana selama
perang berlangsung wanita perannya sama dengan laki-laki yang banyak dibutuhkan digaris

Perang telah melahirkan kesengsaraan dan penderitaan, sehingga melahirkan kerohanian

tersendiri. Kesengsaraan yang ditimbulkan oleh peperangan menumbuhkan keinginan untuk
melenyapkan peperangan dan menciptakan perdamaian yang kekal bagi umat manusia.
Puncak dari akibat ini adalah munculnua gerakan perdaiamain yang berkembang antara tahun
1920-1931 yang disebut Liga Bangsa-Bangsa.

Social life also changed: women had to run businesses while the men were at war and labor laws
started to be enforced due to mass production and mechanization. People all wanted better living

1. In the spring of 1918 many soldiers in the fighting in the trenches in World War I became ill.
At first they complained of headache sore throat and loss of appetite. They started calling in the
Spanish Flu even though they weren’t exactly sure where it originated. Soldiers quickly found out
the disease was very contagious however not fatal in these early cases. Not only did the disease
spread between soldiers in different countries but they also brought it home to the civilians. More
people died of influenza than in World War I all together.

2. At first , women tried to maintain the role of peacekeepers during the war. This view was later
changed when they started to form the idea that men would reward patriorism and service after
the war with suffrage. Women found many jobs through volunteering as nurses, cooks, and
secretaries or even assuming the jobs men typically held at the time. Women had to run
businesses while the men were at war and labor laws started to be enforced due to mass
production and mechanization. People all wanted better living standards.

The war over all had liberating effects for women with many found freedoms and advantages.
These new freedoms include :

- greater access to secondary and higher education

- the right to vote

- opportunities to assume jobs that men typically held

- more time for leisurely activities,

3. Propaganda

Many songs were mad with the direct intent of improving morale, gaining support, collecting
money , enocuraging recruiting , etc.

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