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Itzel Jimenez

Dr. Christopher Wielgos

College Writing II

21 March 2019

Reflection Letter for Annotated Bibliography

From the proposal assignment, I gained a clearer understanding of what this class is

about. The reason is that from the beginning, the first thought that I was going to write several

different papers on different topics and issues on education. Ever since the first project, I had a

tremendous headache on what had to be done. Fortunately, with this annotated bib, it actually

made a clear point on what I will accomplish in the few coming weeks. From all of that

nonsense, I wish you had a clearer rubric of what exactly I am going to do because the readings

were fine, but it was a struggle for me to connect the chapters together to see the final paper that

I am formulating. The purpose of my bibliography is to portray my extensive research on

promoting changes in the current American educational system. The most effective way of

elaborating my message to educational developers and teachers is to cite many sources that have

authors that focus onto the educational studies. Especially when it comes to having authors with

experience of teaching children with different educational support and needs. For instance, I

chose Teaching harry potter: The power of imagination in multicultural classrooms because it

was written by two people who had experience in teaching in undesirable, unfunded schools. It

would even be a great comparison for my synthesis essay since I will cite a sociology textbook

that discusses the inevitable social conflict in the branch of education. Anyways, my process of

my bibliography was a bit of a hassle since it was a first timer for me, especially since it will be
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in APA format for my entire paper. However, the orange textbook helped me a lot about when it

came to citing different sources, typing an abstract page, and writing in first-person (which was

very bizarre to read since high school prohibited me from using “I” in formal papers). From

there, I finally understood why I had to type a comparative synthesis paper since it helped me

evaluate which sources were credible by the author’s or contributor’s education and professional

background. Throughout my bibliography, there has been a lot of sources that mainly consist of

logos since I have sources that present facts about school involvement from governmental

sources like the U.S. Census Bureau. I have used many strong vocabularies, though I feel like my

annotations sound a bit too robotic and monotonous from typing same phrases. I do not think that

I needed to have any particular designs for this wiring project. Overall, I feel like this annotated

bibliography will lead into a strong argument synthesis paper since I will reference it a lot to

assure that my paper follows the annotations’ concepts. From the statement mentioned, I do not

think that I need to add extra detail to my project if more time was added.

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