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The color ​Green

As the cold winter fades into spring, village of leprechauns who live in harmony with
all of the world were working very hard. The sun shined on the lucky stream by the village,
sparkling like the brightest starin the night sky.
“It's a beautiful day today, right Bill?” said one of the villagers.
“Yea, but what about those clouds over there?” replied Bill.
The villager was right, there were dark grey clouds coming straight to the village.
The leprechauns panicked, running around the village like horses. Soon, the clouds blocked
the bright blue sky. The lucky stream had stopped giving light to the village. Not one
leprechaun could see an inch in front of them. At a sudden moment, lightning struck in
the center of the village. A figure stood in the middle. It seemed as though he was made
of lightning.
“Who are you and why have you come to our village,” asked mayor Greenhill. The figure
started walking faster and faster until he was a lightning bolt shooting strait at the
mayor. Then he stopped in front of him.
“Getting in my business allows you to be my test subject,” said the figure with a
crooked smile on his face. The mayor stood there in fear, but he knew he had to do
something. He started up his magic, along with many others. But all at once, the mayor’s
powers were drained. Even his color disappeared.
“The more you try to fight, the more stronger I get,”said the figure.
“Who are you?” said the mayor.
“I am Liceon, one who is made of lightning,” said Liceon, as he walked to the center
of the village. All of the leprechauns thought he was going to leave the village alone. But
Liceon had other plans. It only took one second and the whole village was black and white,
with no magic at all. Liceon flew away leaving all of the leprechauns in darkness.

Not far from the village was a house with 7 leprechauns who lived in it. They had no
idea about what happened to the village.
“What are those clouds doing?” said Ricky, who was one of the 7 guardian
leprechauns, “They’ve done nothing but sit there, darkening the village.”
“I wonder if it's going to rain today,” said Odin, “Having this whole guardian leprechaun
thing with you, Yobalt, Gavin, Brandon, Iving, and Percy.”
Suddenly Ricky and Odin heard something that broke the silence.
“Help! Please, Help!”said a leprechaun.
“It's a messenger from the village,” said Ricky. The messenger was rushing up the
hill. The leprechaun was black and white, like the rest of the village.
“The village was under attack!” said the messenger.
“That explains why the clouds were over the village.” said Odin.
“The mayor wants you guys to retrieve the color and power,” said the messenger.
“We have no choice but to go,” said Ricky.
The messenger wished them luck, and hurried down to the village. The 7 leprechaun
guardians, wearing there different colored outfits, started their journey past the end of
the rainbow, and to Liceon’s dark grey cloud fortress.

After several days the arrived. It felt as though their village was colorless for at
least a year.
“We finally made it,” said Iving, as Percy falls to the ground to rest.
“Yea, but now we have to deal with Liceon,” said Gavin.
“Then, what are we waiting for?” said Yobalt.
“Let’s just get this over with,” said Brandon.
The 7 leprechauns walked into the fortress.
“Entering my fortress will cost something valuable,” said Liceon.
All 7 leprechauns used all of their power to fight Liceon. They defeated him and
brought all of the power and color safely back to the village.

The end

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