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Ortega – ENGL 2010

Research Paper Guidelines

For the research unit in this class, you will be developing your own independent argument on a topic of
your choosing. First, you must pick a topic. Then you can begin to focus on a specific issue, and, ultimately,
you will craft a working thesis statement.

(Please note: I am quite eager to help you along, but I cannot tell if you are on the right track until you have drafted
a thesis statement. I cannot help you if all you have is a topic – that is far too broad and too early in the process for
my input.)

When considering your focus, I want you to remember that you are studying popular culture. You may
research any topic that is considered part of popular culture. You have quite a bit of experience reading essays
about popular culture, so you should have an understanding of the way complex arguments work and how to
construct them. Your essay must be 1500-2000 words.

You must adhere to all of the rules of MLA documentation style. These are not arbitrary rules. You have your
Easy Writer book, plenty of online resources, and our student writing center, so you will be held accountable
for all proper citation documentation. Make sure to use the 8th edition. I will put links to MLA resources on
Canvas for your convenience.

You must have a minimum of six sources total. Of those, a minimum of three must be scholarly articles. If
you have questions about what scholarly vs popular sources are, consult your Easy Writer book or the
Conducting Research handout.

Make sure to keep up with the course schedule. The major due dates for this unit are as follows:

Monday February 25 Due: Research topic, narrowed topic, issue, question, and hypothesis

Monday March 4 Due: Bring all your research materials to class

Wednesday March 6 Due: TYPED AND PRINTED Thesis statement and annotated bibliography

Friday March 8 Due: Thesis statement and annotated bibliography (On Canvas)

Monday March 25 Due: TYPED AND PRINTED Thesis statement and outline

Monday April 1 Due: TYPED AND PRINTED draft

Wednesday April 3 Due: Second TYPED AND PRINTED draft.

Friday April 5 Due: Final research paper (On Canvas)

Do not fall behind, as it will not be possible for you to catch up. Budget your time wisely, in and out of class. If
you need additional assistance, visit the writing center or come by during my office hours.

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