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TASK 1: Peter Dazeley

Question 1: Name of photographer or agency

The name of the photographer is Peter Dazeley.

Question 2: What type of photographs do they take?

They take photographs of still life, people, lifestyle, advertising and fine art.

Question 3: What media products are their photographs used in?

- Book covers
- Advertisements

Question 4: Select at least 5 images for each which you think are
good examples of their work and save these to your area

I have chosen this image because I really like the brightness of the

I have chosen this image because I like the idea of how it looks like an x-ray
of a flower.

I have chosen this image because I really like the colours of the lightbulbs.
I have chosen this image due to the fact that I like the pose the
model is doing.

I have chosen this image because I really like how it shows off lots
of detail in the dog’s fur.

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