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1. Tugas critical appraisal individu pada hari senin, tgl 1 april 2019 pukul
2. Cari 1 naskah artikel penelitian untuk topik-topik dibawah ini (salah satu):
a. Stunting (no absen 1 sd 12)
b. Model promosi kesehatan (no absen 13-24)
c. Kualitas hidup anak (no absen 25-39)
3. Skema penugasan:
a. Search artikel penelitian (desain rct/kohort/case control) sesuai
pembagian topik tsb
b. Jelaskan kajian PICO, pada penelitian tersebut!
c. Jelaskan kajian kritis dengan teknis RAMMbo pada penelitian tersebut!
d. Uji Validitas Internal
1. Were there enough subjects in the study?
2. Was a control group used?
3. Were the subjects randomly assigned?
4. Was a pretest used?
5. Was the study started prior to the intervention or event?
6. Was the outcome measured in an objective and reliable way?
e. Conclusion
Dari uji validitas internal dapat disimpulkan bahwa penelitian ini berada
pada level ………………….. (Jelaskan Berapa yes, Berapa No?)
f. Appraisal of a controlled study
1. Did the study address a clearly focused issue?
2. Were subjects randomly allocated to the experimental and control
group? If not, could this have introduced bias?
3. Are objective inclusion / exclusion criteria used?
4. Were groups comparable at the start of the study?
5. Are objective and validated measurement methods used and were
they similar in the different groups? (misclassification bias)
6. Were outcomes assessed blind? If not, could this have introduced
7. Is the size of effect practically relevant?
8. Are the conclusions applicable?
*Tugas diketik sesuai skema tugas tersebut dan lampirkan artikel
penelitiannya lengkap, setiap nama mahasiswa jadi 1 file. Untuk
keseluruhan hasil tugas mahasiswa se-kelas dijadikan satu file, diberikan
list nama dan judul artikelnya, dikirim ke email bu heni selambatnya tgl 1
april 2019 pukul 19.00

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