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This summer of 2018 I Went through basic combat training and I pushed myself both

physically and mentally to limits that were passed my own standards. I am also very disciplined
and can do things very well on my own. In basic we always worked as a team and that has
helped me so much to become confident and be a leader.

Some of the obstacles I have to overcome that have helped me become a leader was
climbing a twenty foot tower unsupported and the repelling down the tower, repelling is pretty
easy it's the beginning of rappelling that is scary you have to lean backwards when there is
nothing behind you but hard ground and a twenty foot drop and the only thing you're thinking
about is if the rope doesn't hold im going to die this helped me become a leader because it
made me face a fear, a fear of heights and I became so much more confident . Another thing
that was difficult was the pt tests I am not a very good runner and we had to run two miles in
fifteen minutes and fifty four seconds which is pretty hard you have to run the entire time to pass
this time, I ended up getting a fifteen thirty six and that was one of the happiest moments of my
life this helped me become a leader because if someone is having trouble I can motivate them
and tell them anything is possible you just have to work hard enough to achieve it.

Basic was a very hard obstacle to overcome there was adversity at every turn I had to
push myself and tell myself that I can do this and keep on reminding myself why I am doing it.
Basic has made me become very determined in the things I do now and if I start something I am
going to give 100% effort until I complete it.

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