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Competition Reflection

1. What did you enjoy most about the Educators Rising State Competition? I loved
getting able to get closer with everyone.

2. What did you learn about the education profession by competing? I learned about
special needs children and their needs.

3. If you could compete all over again in the same category, what would you do
differently and why? I would add more stuff to my portfolio but I honestly wouldn’t do
much differently since I won 1st.

4. What could Mrs. Moya have done to further assist you in preparing for competition? I
wish we could have started working on the competition at the beginning of the year

5. What would you like to tell future Education Professions students to encourage them
to compete? You would be surprised by how well you will do. If you watch the national
competitors and then kinda follow what they have done then you will be able to see
what standard you should be living up to.

6. Tell me anything else you think would be helpful.

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