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"Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency.

Consistent hard work

leads to success. Greatness will come."- Dwayne Johnson. Over the summer I've really come to
know the skill of hard working. Hard work is a skill that has to be learned through practice and
The best experience I have of learning this skill was sometime in August this year. I
began the day waking up somewhere around 7:30 am. My eyes were drowsy and I felt like I
couldn't even move a single muscle in my body. I arose knowing that there was no way I could
get work off as they needed me very desperately. I work at a car wash so I'm doing physical
labor all day.
I got to work and began the day by spraying and sending cars. I felt so sick but I found
myself being able to push through it. At around noon it got way busy. I was stuck with a huge
line of cars trying to spray and send each one. This was very hard for me and I found myself
wanting to quit and go home. I decided that that wasn't the right thing I should do. I pushed
through and told myself you can do it. There was pain in my head and feet and I felt miserable.
This is where I was able to apply the skill of hard working.
In conclusion I am very grateful to have had these many hard experiences at work and to
have been able to learn this skill at such a young age so I can use it throughout my life. I will be
able to use this skill all through my life. It is something that can help everyone to success and is
only attainable through experiences like this one.

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